39 Year Old
Joined on July 1, 2007
Born on August 15th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
My name is Devin I would tell you my age on this line but I'd have to change it every year I am in the Navy I fight terrorism with lint free's and a Fluke multimeter I'm from Tennessee I get distracted easily I have been single for over two years I drive a Mustang I like all types of music I invented an exercise called "Rock Out" I like to dance, but only when I am alone or really wasted I love to sing Karaoke when I'm drunk Beer Pong is the greatest drinking game in the world! People tell my I'm cocky I don't think I am I like to read I play soccer I can most likely kick your ass in Halo Some people think I'm an asshole But that's okay, cause I don't like them either I have a thing for redheads I'm not a fan of blondes Brunette's fit somewhere in between The thing I look at first on a girl, is her eyes I like girls who are funny I like to laugh Dave Chappelle is the man I'm a huge Miami Dolphin's fan I love my family I like to drive....fast I think I'm out of ideas to put here Maybe I will put some more later
39 Year Old
Joined on July 1, 2007
Born on August 15th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
♥ leaving you some love and rated your profile a 10 if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of you i hope you are having a great week :D ♥