Recently I’ve noticed this new trend of the inconsiderate cellphoner. These assholes talk on their phones at the most inappropriate times…
Example 1: Watching TV.
A few friends and I will be watching TV, and “Kimo’s” cell phone rings. I assume that he will walk into the other room to take the call. Instead, he answers the phone while sitting on the same couch that we are all on. He then goes on for 5 minutes chatting away with god knows who. Thing is, I can barely hear the TV with all this jabbering going on next to me. So I turn the TV up, but that only makes him talk louder. Have a little courtesy for everyone else. I don’t give a crap what you are talking about on the phone, but I cannot hear anything besides your conversation!!! Annoying…
Example 2: Eating.
Same scenario, Kimo takes a call while we are all eating. Politeness tells the rest of us not to talk while he is on the phone 2 feet away. But what the hell else are we supposed to do? Nothing, that’s what. Annoying…
Example 3: In A Car.
Kimo and I are driving somewhere; he gets a call and turns down the music. So now there’s absolutely nothing for me to do. No music, just his stupid talking blasting in my ears. I don’t want to listen to his conversation, but there’s nothing else i can do! Cut the call short! Say you will call the person back! Do something! The whole time this is happening all I'm thinking is, “How can he not realize that this is annoying as hell!?”
There are always exceptions, but 99% of the time its just plain stupid. Give your friends the opportunity to do something other than listen to your pointless one way conversation. Cut the call short, or just SHUT THE HELL UP!