Your standing at the edge life behind you and little left in front. Your mind wonders towards those missed opportunities, what if the most dreaded phase life has to offer has arrived. You reflect to days of youth and ideals of what will be, but you know that the window is closed and nailed shut and to try to open it is to look to deep into your mind, the dreams have faded but the reality becomes so painful. What would have happened if we would have slide through that window, the people we would have met, the jobs we would be doing and the love we would be loving. I have always been told that Nothing ever stays the same, everything has to change, why? Why is it that for most of us the change has to be fondling through life, searching for the ever escaping prize, not being able to hold on long enough until help arrives.
I personally have nothing to complain about, life has been tough but good, each day has been spent working or trying to find work paying bills and feeding the kids. My wife died some twenty years ago and I raised all three of my children. I guess what I reflect on is what would have happened if I could have taken the scholarship to film school. What would have happened if I would have stayed in Thailand and married Iesha. what would have happened if it were me who passed away instead of my wife. Would my children have been better off with her than me, would her life accomplished more than I have been able to, or did everything really work out for the best. Here I am standing at the edge, the past behind me and so little time left.