57 Year Old
From Warsaw, IN·
Invited by: Ladybug992001·
Joined on July 12, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
57 Year Old
From Warsaw, IN·
Invited by: Ladybug992001·
Joined on July 12, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I am a divorced single mother of 3 great children and a grandmother of 3 and one on the way! I am very easy to get along with. I like to meet people and hang out with my family and friends and have a good time.
I want to thank everyone for their prayers! My daughter is home and still has a long way to go but at least I can take care of her and her son. God Bless.
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57 Year Old
From Warsaw, IN·
Invited by: Ladybug992001·
Joined on July 12, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
If you're interested in learning to bomb,have time to spend on contests helping our family members to win,have the pack mentality of INTEGRITY,LOYALTY,HONOR,then come join us....Don't know how to bomb,not sure if you would like it???Come give it a try,we'll teach you how it's done...there's nothing like helping family to win.How's it Going I'm Lord Wolf,Founder of the Kingdom of Wolves.I'm Seeking Comment Bombers,if interested.Add Kingdom of Wolves or K.O.W. to your heading send a friend request after doing so if you care to be a Comment Bomber you will also have 100% backing in Contests that you might enter.I will then add u to reg.Family upon doing this I will return for your link for membership blog. an allow u to search my pic's for your Wolf I have other animals as well for Morphs.Hope to see you. Thank YouBlogs Kingdom of Wolveshttp://www.cherrytap.com/blog/79595/414503#I'm Seeking 2, Kingdom Family Member to Be Greeter's in our Lounge.You will also be made a Moderator to Ban Unrully Visitors.Your Job while in our Lounge is to make Potential Friends feel Welcome,an to Possibly Recruit Visitors.Good Conversational Skills a must.Our Lounge is Open for Business.Full Throttle Radio Cranks it out.Aggression Music for better Bombing Powers.http://www.fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=50435