Sunset Kisses
Current mood: flirty
Category: Writing and Poetry
Mood: Happy

~Sunset Kisses~
Sunset kisses melt
like soft chocolate on a
summer evening.
You are my symphony that
sets my soul and heart to dance.
Sunset kisses feel
like moistened droplets of love.
Your gentile touch feels
sensual and erotic.
Melting puddles in your depths.
Sunset kisses fall
and gently splash on my head,
trickles down my back,
in liquid love at my feet,
and warms my delightful soul.
Sunset kisses rest
on horizon of my brow,
lingers there for a
moment, soaking in our love.
No words tell how love is felt.
Sunset kisses fall
like rain, washing my soul clean.
My smile greets your face,
I hear the quickening of
your breath, smell of your cologne.
Sunset kisses glow,
warms my heart and fills my soul.
Wrap me in your arms,
drink from my body I hold
before you, sipping the stars.
Rhonda S. Grace © 10-9-06
Authors Comments:
Tanka: 5 lines, syllable count as fallows, ( 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 )

Thank You For Reading & Commenting. Love & Respect to Everyone, Rhonda