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42 Year Old · Female · From Sheridan, IN · Joined on March 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 4th · 5 referrals joined!
42 Year Old · Female · From Sheridan, IN · Joined on March 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 4th · 5 referrals joined!

where to begin? i'm 25 years old, married, with a 2 year old. she is an absolute doll, and is one of the cutest babies ever. comparing her pic to that of suri cruise, i'd say my daughter is cuter (and i'm not speaking just as her mother; i've actually had other people agree with me!). i'm a scadian; my persona is that of an irish chieftain's daughter that was 'kidnapped' by pirates. the reason for my 'abduction' was that i'd attended the local monastary school and i'd been taught to read, write, and do sums. some of my favourite things to do is hang out at either the mall or the bar, or go out to the club, read, write, and of course spend time with my husband and my daughter. at the mall, i like to sit and people watch, maybe laugh at the wannabe goths. how hard some of them try, though, is enough to make you cry, it's that bad. at the bar, it's all about hanging out, having a few drinks... my fave bar in indy is the cat. that place rocks! and they make their drinks strong too. down here in kentucky, haven't really gone out to the bar yet. only been once or twice. o'shea's and i think it's called the back door (something like that), both were pretty nice. i hang out at thoroughbred's a lot, but then that's 'cause a friend bounces there. at the club, the vault up in indy (got to meet ron jeremy there!), and maybe main street lounge down here (ain't been yet, i'd love to though!), love to dance. it's rather relaxing, actually. i've not gotten to get out and shake my butt like that in a while though.

42 Year Old · Female · From Sheridan, IN · Joined on March 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 4th · 5 referrals joined!
hmmm... well, have a lot of fun with the medieval reenactment group known as the SCA. through that, i'm learning both archery and fencing, and i've met a lot of cool people. somehow, i usually end up hang out with a bunch of pirates. don't know how that happens. the black corsairs are pretty cool.
i read a lot. just finished the newest and last harry potter. very good book. love the twist she put in at the end. got way too many faves to really list them here, but a few are j.k. rowling (obviously), kristin britain, laurell k. hamilton, anne mccaffery, mercedes lackey, and ann bishop.
i love writing. i've actually got a few books i'm working on. got the first book of what's going to be a trilogy finished and i'm working on the second one, and i've got a few more started as well. don't know if these will go any further than just the one book yet or not. we'll have to see. i'm just trying to get some people to read and proofread for me.
been gaming a bit. got into it a little while at ball state university, but the two that usually dm'ed sucked massive balls. they usually got into p****** contests over who was the bigger god of gaming. -rolls eyes- led to some pretty lame-o games. with the ones i game with now, it's actually a lot of fun. i'm actually starting to figure out dnd now. it helps that the people i game with now actually know what the hell they're doing. for two of them, their idea of fun at cons is to do their best to completely destroy games. once, they did it as cult of cthulu embraced by malkavians. that was an interesting one. one of the mage cabals my husband was running with at a con completely wiped out a sabbat pack. lets just say it's not a good idea to mess with a mage, let alone a group of them. or malkavians. especially those that believe in cthulu! other than dnd, play a little vampire, and play a little hunter. mostly been playing dnd's bubble world. it's a lot of fun. need to redo my character though.
i also find the whole vampire culture fascinating. it's interesting comparing the different types people have come up with. although, did you know that scientists believe that belief in vampires and other supernatural bloodsuckers like that came from the disease porphyria? it's rather fascinating. did a few essays on it at bsu. i'm looking forward to being able to get some baby fang implants, but for other reasons than the whole vampire thing. they're cool and all, but i'm just not a vampire. i'm more cat and dragon than vampire.
mostly listen to metal, rock, celtic, stuff like that. occassionally listen to a little classic rock, mostly stuff from the 70's and 80's. really can't stand country, r&b, hip-hop, and rap. there's only one or two artists in those genres that are really worth listening to. the rest just encourage ignorance with all the shit they spout. especially rap and hip-hop. the girls ain't too bad for the most part, but the guys, -rolls eyes-.....
Video Games
hmmmm.... don't really play a lot of video games. all i really play is stuff like champions of norrath, zelda, baldur's gate, etc. really enjoy rpgs. i'm also addicted to bejeweled, solitaire, and pokemon. i could play for hours.

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  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn

    RockYou FXText

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  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    happy hump day ;)

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    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
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    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    hey girly you and your ole man need to post some more pics, I have already rated all of yours lolImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
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    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    SENT AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER YOU LAST NIGHT BUT IT CAME BACK I ASKED WHY? AND IT SAID THAT ANGLES DON'T WATCHOVER ANGELS! *SEND THIS TO ALL THE PEOPLE YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT *20 angels are in this world, 10 are sleeping 9 are playing AND 1 is reading this comment, SEND this to 10 friends including me AND if you get back 5 replies, someone you love will surprise you

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    Who could NOT be cuter than Suri Cruise? My absolute doll will be 13 months old in a few days, Devyn! Great page you've got, and you and your family have a wonderful evening! Oh, and welcome to CherryTAP!

    18 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn

    18 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    we need to do some photo shoots soon...hugs and kisses,love you

    18 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    Love you sweetheart

    18 years ago · Reply
  • CanadianIceQueentARyN deVYn

    Welcome to Cherry Tap!

    Stop by & add me if you'd like ;)

    18 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ tARyN deVYn
    YAAAAY for random comments from complete strangers!!!Looking for a friend? I'm always lonely... :p

    18 years ago · Reply
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