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magic761's blog: "Desires"

created on 12/08/2006  |  http://fubar.com/desires/b32369

Why Women Cry

Why Women Cry A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will." Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?" God said "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed." "You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides


1. I believe grief is a process that involves a lot of time, energy and determination I won't "get over it" in a hurry, so don't rush me! 2. I believe grief is intensely personal This is my grief. Don't tell me how I should be doing it. Don't tell me what's right or wrong. I'm doing it my way, in my time. 3. I believe grief is affecting me in many ways. I am being affected spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. If I'm not acting like my old self, it's because I'm not my old self and some days I don't understand myself. 4. I believe I will be affected in some way by this loss for the rest of my life As I get older, I will have new insights into what this death means to me. My loved one will continue to be part of my life and influence me until the day I die. 5. I believe I am being changed by this process. I see life differently. Some things that were once important to me aren't any more. There are some things I used to pay little or no attention to that are now important. I think a new me is emerging, so don't be surprised and don't stand in the way.
What Every Biker Should Know The two-wheeled code of the west It used to be that all bikers shared a common bond, an unspoken code of ethics and behavior that transcended words and was built on actions. There was never a bible written on this Biker’s Code of the West and there was no need for such a tome. But the times they are a changing and there seems to be a lot of new riders out there. These days the riders you see blasting down the tarmac are just as likely to be clad in shorts and sneakers as jeans and engineer boots. And the roughest, toughest looking biker you pull up next to could be your doctor or lawyer and may be wearing a Rolex watch under his leathers. There’s nothing wrong with that, so long as these new riders learn the Code of the West just as we old timers did. Easyriders has been around the block a few times regarding biker etiquette, not that we’re the world’s authority (though maybe we are) on the subject. Being a biker used to be about using your creativity to take a basket case old hawg and, using only grit and ingenuity, turning it into a one-of-a-kind eye dazzler, then risking your life on the asphalt on a bike you made yourself out of pride. Bikers wore leather and grease because they knew cagers would just as soon run them down as look at them, so they had to be intimidating. We were a breed unto ourselves with no union, no support group, and in many cases, no family (they threw us out). We had to make it in the world on our own, against all rules against mainstream society, and against all odds. You know, we survived and prospered because of the Biker Code of the West and we never took shit from anybody. As an old scooter tramp named Jug once said. It’s every tramp’s job to school the young. How else are they gonna know a Panhead from a bedpan? With that in mind, we bring you a primer on the basic two-wheeled Code of the West. Take heed brothers and sisters, for our Code is a hallowed one filled with honor and loyalty, the likes of which have not been seen since the days of knighthood. The biker commandments Don’t take any shit Be kind to women, children, and animals but don’t take any bullshit. This is an essential part of being a biker. It has to do with respect and honor. Anyone can be a brash, quick-tempered lout. Be cool, stand tall and back up what you say with action. Never lie, cheat or steal. Another way of saying this to always tell the truth. Bikers are always the greasy bad guys in movies, but every real biker knows that his world is his bond. Your word is all you have in life that is truly yours. Guard it carefully and be about something noble, for you are a true knight of the road. Don't snitch. If you see a wrong, right it yourself. If you are about anything, you’ll take care of problems yourself and never feel the need to snitch someone off. Snitches are the lowest life forms on earth, right up there with bike thieves. This rule goes hand in hand with the next one... Don't snivel. Absolutely no one likes or respects a sniveler. Another way to say this is to hold your mud. Still another way to think of it is. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Most of life’s little inconveniences work them selves out whether you snivel or not. Keep your chin up, dammit. You’re a biker, not some lowly mollusk. Never say die and never give up. Whether it’s in a fight, a debate, or a business deal, no matter how bad it gets, a biker never gives up. That’s why you see a lot of wealthy bikers these days, cause they don’t know how to quit in any element of they lives. In the biker world of rugged individualists, only the strong survive. Help others. When a brother or sister is broken down by the side of the road, stop and help them. Even moral support, if that is all you can give, is better than riding on by. Remember life is about the journey, the ride, not getting there. You already are there and don’t just help bikers, show the world that we are better than our image portrays us. Courtesy costs you nothing and gives you everything. Stick to your guns. Do what you say you’ll do, be there when you say you will. This is called integrity. This al so goes back to standing for something. Like the song says. You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. Life us not a drill. Yeah, this ain`t no dress rehearsal. This is life go out and take big bites of it. You’ve got nothing to lose and bikers don’t stand around waiting for the party to come to them. You only go around once. Tomorrow you could be road kill thanks to a chain smoker asleep at the wheel of his caddy. Live life now, make the most of each moment. This is not a drill. All right, now let’s review. You are a biker, a modern- day knight of the road. Protect the weak, walk tall and stand proud. Your word is your bond. Stick to your guns. Don’t take any shit. Life is not a drill. Now go forth and ride. When in doubt ride. That’s what we do....ride. If you want to ride around in a Day-Glo Hawaiian shirt and sand als, go for it, but if you intend to look like a ass, at least don’t act like a ass. These commandments are just a few of the broad strokes; there is a lot more to being a biker than buying a bike. If you just buy a bike, you are a motorcyclist. Being a biker is a way of life, a proud way of life we hold in high regard and with a burning passion for the open highway and for life. Now ride, dammit. You Know Who You Are...

The Fogotten Cops

The Forgotten Cops What would the average citizen if it were proposed that police officers be assigned to a neighborhood which was inhabited by no one but criminals and those officers would be unarmed, patrol on foot and be heavily outnumbered? I wager that the overwhelming public response would be that the officers would have to be crazy to accept sun and assignment. However as you read this, such a scenario is being played out in all area of the country. We are correctional officers. Not guards (who are people that watch school crossings). We work at minimum, medium, and maximum security Correctional facilities. We are empowered by the state to enforce its penal laws, rules, and regulations of the Departmen of Correctional Services. In short, we are policemen (and women). Our beat is totally inhabited by convicted felons who, by definition, are people who tend to break laws, rules, and regulations. We are outnumbered by as many as 50 to 1 at any given time on our work day and contrary to popular belief, we work without a sidearm. In short, out necks are on the line every minute of every day. A Correctional Facility is a very misunderstood environment. The average person has very little knowledge of its workings' Society sends its criminals to correctional faclities and as time passes, each criminals crimes fade from out memory until the collective prison population becomes hordes of bad people being warehoused away from decent society in a place where they can cause no further harm. There is also a notion that prison inmates cease to be a problem when they are incarcerated. Correctional facilites are FULL of violence perpetrated by the prison population against the prison population and facility staff. Felonies are committed daily but rarely reported. They are called "unusual incidents" and rarely result in criminal prosecution. Discipline is handled internally and, as a rule, the public is rarely informed of these crimes. In the course of maintaining order in these facilities, many officers have endured the humiliation of having URINE and FECES thrown at them. Uncounted correctional officers have been kicked, bitten, stabbed, and even raped in the line of duty, all whaile being legally mandated to remain their Professional Composure and refraining frm any retaliatoin which could be the basis for dismissal from service (not to mentions Lawsuits). In addition to these obvious dangers, correctional officers face hidden dangers in the forms of HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitus B and C. Courts are now imposing longer sentences and the prison population is increasing far beyond the systems desigated capacity. As the public demands more police on the street, governments everywhere are cutting the police in prison where violence reihns supreme, jeopardizing all those working behind the prison wall. Although you will never see us on "911", "Cops", or "Top Cops" we are law enforcement professionals. We are "The Forgotten Cop", hidden from public view, doing a dangerous beat, hoping someday to recieve respect and approval from the public who "We Silently Serve".


A Cop On The Take: First he takes ... the oath. Now look at what else he takes: He takes... it in stride when people call him pig. He takes... his lousy pay check realizing he`ll never be rich. He takes... a second job sometimes to make ends meet and support his family. He takes... time to stop and talk to children. He takes... your verbal abuse while giving you a ticket you really deserved. He takes... on creeps you would be afraid to even look at. He takes... time away from his family to keep you safe. He takes... your injured child to the hospital. He takes... the graveyard shift without complaint because it`s his turn. He takes... his life into his hands daily. He takes... you home when your car breaks down. He takes... time to explain why both your headlights have to work. He takes... the job no one else wants--telling you a loved one has died. He takes ... criminals to jail. He takes... in sights that would make you cry. Sometimes he cries too, but he takes it anyway because someone has to. He takes... memories to bed each night that you couldn't bear for even one day. He takes... time to explain to his family why he can't make the ball game his child is in and why he has to work on the holiday when other parents are off. Sometimes, he takes a bullet. And yes, occasionally he may take a free cup of coffee. If he is lucky, he takes retirement. Then one day he pays for all he has taken, and God takes him. HAVE YOU HUGGED A COP TODAY?


If you are a cop, were a cop, live with a cop, or are close to a cop you will recognize alot of the following: FASCINATION STAGE - 1st thru 4th year of Law Enforcement. For most officers, this is their first time outside of the middle class bubble. They have never seen a dead body, never seen life-threatening injuries, never dealt with a family disturbance, never witnessed the squaller some people call "living life", and never really understood the phrase "Man's Inhumanity To Man" until now. Everything is new to them. You can ID them by the amount of fancy new equipment they carry...a ten BILLION candlelight power flashlight, "state-of-the-art" holster, pens that write in the rain, a ballistic vest rated to stop Tomahawk missiles, and an equipment bag large enough to house a squad of Marines. They love it, showing up early for their shift. They work way past the end of their shift without even considering an OT slip. They believe rank within the department is based only on ability and those in the upper ranks got there by knowledge and skill in police work only. They believe the Department runs with the same attention to detail and efficiency as Joe Friday's Dragnet TV show....everyone is dedicated & committed, everyone is competent, everyone is on the same page and working towards the same high-minded goals. When they finally go home to their spouse/ significant other, they tell them everything they did and saw; they are wired up. Some of the more "eaten up" purchase a police scanner at Radio Shack so they can hear the radio calls while at home. HOSTILITY STAGE - 4th thru 6th year They now show up for work about 2 minutes before their shift, and they are hiding out about 30 minutes before end of shift, writing reports so they can just throw them in the sergeant's in-box and leave ASAP. They have to get to their second job to earn money to pay for the divorce that is pending. Their spouse is no longer interested in hearing about all the gore and heartache. They get the "you spend more time with the cops than you do with me" speech. They now know how the lieutenant got those silver bars on his collar. They consider the FOP, the city, the state and all brass to be as dangerous as any viper. They gripe about everything, drink excessively, chase women, and hate the public, politicians, media, etc. They feel they have more in common with the hookers, thieves, dopers, etc.. but hate them too. Those pens that write in the rain are no longer needed. Writing traffic citations can be a lot more trouble than they are worth, even on a nice day. To write one, or to write anything while standing in the rain, is a sure sign of an insane person. SUPERIORITY STAGE - 7th thru 15th years This is when cops are at their best. They have survived changes in administration. They know how the political game is played, both inside and outside of the department. They know who they can trust and who they can't. They have select friends within the department, and stay away, as best they can, from the nuts and boot-lickers. They know the legal system, the judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, etc. They know how to testify and put a good case together. They are usually the ones that the brass turn to when there is some clandestine request or sensitive operation that needs to be done right. These cops are still physically fit and can handle themselves on the street. They will stay around the station when needed, but have other commitments; such as a second job, a second spouse, a second boyfriend/girlfriend (sometimes both), etc. They have most of their friends outside of Law Enforcement now. ACCEPTANCE STAGE - 15th to ???? Now the cops have a single objective... retirement and pension. Nothing is going to come between them and their monthly check. The boss, the city (or State, or county), the idiots around the station, and the creeps on the street can all go to hell... because they could come between them and "sitting on the beach". There is no topic of discussion that can't somehow lead back to retirement issues. These guys are usually sergeants, detectives, crime scene technicians, station duty, or some other post where they will not be endangered. They especially don't want some young stupid cop getting them sued, fired, killed, or anything else causing them to lose their "beach time". These guys are usually hard to find when the "clusters" hit. They spend a lot of time having coffee, hanging around the station, and looking at brochures of things they want to do in retirement. Then the retired cop usually dies within the first five years of retirement, saving the city (or State, or county) a bunch of money. Of course, nothing is ever 100% true...but if you are a cop, were a cop, know a cop...you will certainly recognize some of the above statements as fact, either in your own career or someone else's


Shhhh, hold tight for I hear what I can not see, For there is no light only sound by which to guide me. Shhhh, there it is again, like the beating of a snare, It sounds so familiar yet has its own style and flare. I hear it oh so clearly like an old favorite song, I am yearning for it, this sound I seem to long. Shhh, cant you hear it the sound is oh so clear, I seem to be drawn to it, its calling to me I fear, Shhh, listen with me, I need to know what it could be, I feel as though Im floating to it, its setting me free. It is unlike anything I have ever heard before, I wonder could I truly be who this sound is for? This sound is of your heart calling out to mine, Like two souls lost in the intricate sands of time. Though distance may seperate us, its only miles you see, For nothing can ever really keep apart those who are meant to be. Through wind, rain, sleet or snow this sound will keep going, Longing to once again be with that person that is all knowing. The one who knows your heart and touches your very soul, Your fated match, your soulmate who makes you feel whole. So when you hear the sound but can not see whats there, Listen very closely and know that somewhere, someone cares. Their heart is calling to yours, longing to be near, There is only love, laughter, completeness, never any fear.

Take my hand

Take my hand and lead the way: tell me all you want to say Whisper softly in my ear, all those things I want to hear. Kiss my lips and touch my skin: bring out the passions deep within. Pull me close and hold me near; take away the pain and fear. In the darkness of the night, be my beacon, shine your light. In the brightness of the sun, show me that you are the one. Give me wings so I can fly; for I can soar when you’re nearby. Enter my heart, break down the wall, It’s time for me to watch it fall. I’ve been a prisoner, can’t you see? Break my chains and set me free. Strip me of my armor tight; you’ll find I won’t put up a fight. Release my soul held deep within....... I’m ready now, let love begin. 2006 Bruce

Rider of the Wind

Rider of the Wind When the calling of the wind calls answer it. Let the wind calling you and bring you to me. For it is I who will softly caress you and hold you when others have let you down come to me... When you are sad and lonely come to me..... When you have to face your fears come to me.... When you need someone to stand in your corner and fight for you come to me..... When you need a touch of love come to me.... When you need just a moment in time to stop and be unguarded come to me..... For I am the Rider of the wind, I can see you as you are, nothing more and nothing less.... Just a soul being carried along.. Who is just passing though not sure of what and when, that has broken you has not been mended yet, Come to me...... Let me wrap my winds around you, open your eyes and mind to what you can not see with your eyes open, trust again, love again, if nothing more than you have a friend who loves you. kb06

I love to see Him Smile

I Love to See Him Smile I love to see you smile And I love knowing I caused that smile I love to see you happy And I love knowing that I caused that happiness I love to look into your beautiful eyes And I love the way I fall into them I love it when you hold my hand And I love having the courage to grab and hold yours I love the tease and torment you And I love it when you tease and torment me I love it when you touch me And I love to touch you I love discovering how beautiful you are each time I see you And I love realizing that you see me as your woman I love seeing you as my man And I love the way we smile at the world 06 krb
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