Perky & Mr.D are at it again..
We have Re-Activated our Auto 11's so come rate us & Level up..
NOT VIP? It doesn't matter unlimited 11's on our profiles all day.
Perky ♥ Mr.D @ fubarMя. Đ ♥ Perky @ fubar
Ravens Vs.Steelers
Christopher won our Fu-Football Poll with a guess of Steelers 21/20
Congrats Christopher
Show him lots of love.
Çhr욆öþhe® ÃKà Šçoo†e®R/L Owner & Master of *STGiggles*Shadow Levelers @ fubar
Are you ready for some football?
This Monday night 9/29 Ravens Vs. Steelers
This game will close Monday 9/29 Morning 7 AM
Rate the pic of whom you think will win also leave a comment with your prediction on the score.
The person who guesses the winning team and closest score without going over will win 20K fu-bucks.
To see currant standings please follow this link to updated blog.
If you have any questions please contact.
Perky ♥ Mr.D @ fubar
Poll as of right now
SexySandi - Ravens 21 - Steelers 20
dewyb1969 - STEELERS 28-14
BigDaddy - steelers 27-10
Tic Tac - Ravens 17 Steelers 13
Go Blue - steelers 10 ravens 7
StarGazer - Steelers.. 27-14
Ms Dallas-38-20 Baltimore WINS!
Perky-Ravens 32 - Steelers 27
Sweet Dreams Delight-ravens 35- steelers 21
Coconut-Ravens 27 Steelers 17
Stilts-Steelers 28-7
Mr.D -Steelers 24-21
Snack Attack -Steelers by 14
Brandi Lynne - ravens 21 steelers 17
Crazyrabbit69 - 21-17 steeler
MzCaBIBBW -ravens 24 - steelers 21
Spazzy69 - steelers 17 - 10
Inkspot69 - steelers 24 - 17
Aunt Tee - steelers 24 - 10
Christopher steelers 21 - 20
Own this sexy man..
He is amazing..
Trust me I KNOW!!!
Own him for an entire month.
Let him love you and spank your page hard...
Hes in an auction for fubucks ONLY right now his highest bid is 250K He is worth so much more..
Just click the pic and place your bids before its to late...
Mr.D is offering:
500 11's
1 morph
SFW Salute
Rate all stash during hh up to 750
Owned by___ in his name..
Post your link on his profile
Buy random gifts/drinks threw out the month
If bids get to 1 mil or higher he will give you 1,500 11's
Hunter is offering:
rate pics and stash during HH
1 SFW salute
owned by____in my name
1 morph
2 water reflection pics
add to my family list
i'll put your link on my page in the about me section
FTW is offering:
OWNED BY in my name for one month
Added to family for a month, or longer if u are a good person!
Access to my yahoo
1 weekly pimpout for a month
1 permanant pimpout in my blogs
Salute pics, HOWEVER u want them
Rate all ur stash and pics during HH
For bids of 250k or over, everything above PLUS
Personal Phone call, at my discretion
Webcam access (2 sessions, at my discretion)
1 Personal Webcam Video Serenade
For bids of 500K or over...EVERYTHING PLUS
5 Personal Webcam Video Serenades....made by me, sung by me, of songs of my choosing.
10 personal phone my discretion.
MikeS is offering:
SFW Personalized Salute
400 11's during HH's
Rate all Pics during HH (10's)
Rate all Stash during HH (Up to 500)
Add to my Family for term of Ownership.
Permanent Pimp-Out in my Blog
Pimped Out in my "About Me Section"
Daily Fu-Gift.
Stickied PimpOut in the Bullys
Special Flashy Tag made for You.
If Fubux offer is High... will add:
my bombing of any contest or giveaway!!
5 Flashy Name Tags for You!
Customized Morph for you & for one friend.
MzMic is offering:
SFW Personalized Salute
400 11's during HH's
Rate all Pics during HH (10's)
Rate all Stash during HH (Up to 500)
Add to my Family for term of Ownership.
Permanent Pimp-Out in my Blog
Pimped Out in my "About Me Section"
Daily Fu-Gift.
Daily Shitfacing.
Stickied PimpOut in the Bullys
Special Flashy Tag made for You.
"Ur Name in My Online Status for 2 hrs/day"
If Fubux offer is High... will add:
my bombing of any contest or giveaway!!
5 Flashy Name Tags for You!
Customized Morph for you & for one friend.
DjYummy is offering:
1)Rate all Pics 11's
2)Rate All Stash
3)Pimpout bulliten
4)owned by in my name
5)A Gift Everyday for a week
6)added to top friends
7) added to family
8)added to yahoo
9)profile comment 1 every day for a week
10)special offer for highest bidder(my sercert til I'm won)
Thcknluvit is offering:
1-Rate all Pics During HH Within The Month
2-Rate Stash Up To 200 During HH Within the Month
3-Fu-Owned Added To My Name for 1 Month
4-Daily Profile Comments
5- 1 SFW Salute
6-Permanent Add to Family
7-Added to Yahoo Messenger
8-Daily Gifts&Shitfaced Every Day For 1 Month
9-Personal Phone Call
Juggalo Is offering:
Will rate everything 10's,
will comment everyday for 10 days,
and ill give a salute and a screenshot.
Mikey is offering:
Pics rate 11 during hh
Stash rated during hh
I ¢¾ _____ & name/picture water effect pic
Link added to about me section (1 month) blog (permanent)
Add to top of Godfather List (1 month)
Add to Yahoo Messenger
Wet Dreams is offering:
1. Pic rates of 11's every day during HH till all pics are rated
2. All stash rated during HH
3. Salute pic of your choice
4. Pimpout in my about me for 1 month
5. 1 bulletin pimpout each week for 1 month
6. Permanant pimpout in my blog
7. Owned by______ in my name for 1 month
8. Added to my yahoo
9. Added to my family for 1 month
10. Make my top friend for 1 month
11. Profile comment everyday for 1 month
12. Keep shitfaced daily for 1 month
13. Personal phone call per week for 1 month
14. 1 one hour cam session per week for 1 month
Niecee is offering:
stay drunk for a week.
A comment every day,
put on my top friends,
and I will make them a fubar id,
and 100 11's every day on there pics for a week
Carrie is offering...
Pic rates 11's up to 500 pics
Rate stash up to 500
Daily profile comments for a month
Rate 100 pics 10's of 1 friend of your choice a week for a month (same friend or 4 different friends)
100 comments per day on your choice of contest/giveaway for a month
gifts twice a week for a month
Bulletin pimpout weekly for a month
Tracy is offering
rate pics and stash during Happy Hour
sfw salute
1 pimpout a month done with them right at the top
owned by__ in my name
pimpout in my about me section for the month
random gifts thruout the month
at least 7 dtinks a week
if fu bucks are high enough i will
rate pics with 11's
and add person to my yahoo
Hotmomma is offering:
Will Rate all pics and Stash During HH's
SFW Salute from me.
Added as #1 Friend and Family
2 Personal Graphics from Momma.
Perky is Offering:
500 11's
Rate all Stash during HH's
SFW Salute
5 Animated Pics
Random gifts threw out the month.
Spot for you in the about me section of my profile.
Owned by___ In my name.
If bids get as high as a 1 Million or higher I will give 1,500 11's plus up to 10 animated pics or morphs.
Judi is offering:
Rate all pics 11's during HH
Rate all stash during HH
Owned by___ in mine for 1 month
Your pic on my page for 1 month
Daily comment for 1 month
Added to top of my friends list for 1 month
Added to family for 1 month
Daily drinks/ Drinks for 1 month
Well help comment bomb you or 1 friend of yours in a contest that requires
comment bombing 300 a day for a week.
Stephanie Lynns Offer:
1 Happy Hour or 1-Year VIP
1 Bling Pack
1 7-Day Blast
5 days of 100 11's during HH
Pimp out in a bulletin and top rated blog (which I NEVER do)
Co-host contest TBA (something I only do for Family)
Mr.D is Offering
Rate all pics 11's during Happy Hours.
Owned by___ in his name for 1 month
Buy random gifts for the month
Keep you 100% drunk for the month
Rate all your stash during Happy Hour.
Weekly Pimpout
2 Morphs
1 SFW Salute
Add you to his family