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Delectable Di's blog: "Delectable Di"

created on 04/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/delectable-di/b73751

I've been hiding

Well...for those that care. I have had a really rough couple months. In short, I get a call at work one day from my son and he has to "read me his report card" because he failed to bring it back signed. Well, he got 2d's, 3c's and a F. Not good and he seemed to think that he could just not have us sign it and we would not know. So I had to make a few changes in my life. I realize that while I thought of him as becoming mature he does still need mom standing over him. Mom listening to him read. Mom kicking his 11 yr old ass on a need to kick bases. It has required me to take a lot of time offline and while I miss my friends, I am sure that you can all understand, and I know that those of ya that I love the most have understood and are supporting me in every way possible. I am proud to report that all the grades have come up, but there is still a lot to move up. The f moved to a c-, a couple c's to a-, and the d's to c's. Still a lot of ass kicking but I know he can do it.... To my LDC family, I do miss ya, and I wish ya all a blessed holiday season. To my (former) p18 family, I also wish ya all a very blessed and lovely holiday season. Please everyone hang in there with me...I will be offline a lot but I am here in Spirit. Di

My summer

For my friends that dont have me on Myspace...I feel I need to explain my absence. I took a few days off work at the begining of August and I spent some time with my kids. We went out on long bike rides and had cookouts. I spent some time renting movies and hanging out with my kids b4 they started back to school. Saw some good movies. 300, Preminition, the Number 23, Ditribia, and a lot more....it was fun...and my son (who is now 11) watched alot of them with me...and we had a good time. I have been getting the kids ready for school. They started back this past week. I never realized that I hated shopping so much, but after the past week or so I realize that its not nearly so much fun when you dont get anything for yourself....LMAO. But the kids are getting back into a school routine and my nights will be mine again. YEAH! I have missed ya all...and I will talk to ya all soon....love and hugs Di

Where I have been hiding.

I am sorry. I have been offline for a while now and I will be for a little while longer....it was not intended.....part of it was that its summer and we are doing stuff with the kids...and part was unexpected home improvement projects that I started (kinda out of bordom haha)....I have one more room to paint and a few small things to replace and I will get back into the swing of things again. School starts in 2 weeks here so the kids will be back into that routine...I cant wait. I hope your all enjoying your summer..... Di
Daily Horoscope: Virgo For July 14,2007 You understand your needs best, especially when it comes to your emotions, no matter what someone else is trying to tell you. The problem is that you're so sympathetic right now you want to believe they're right.
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome Please repost to get this out there! There are Doctors out there that have no clue what this is! Spread the word!!!!!!! My girl friend's son has Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome, and not many people know what it is! Well here you go..... What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome ? Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) is a congenital overgrowth syndrome, which can affect all systems of the body. It was first recognised in 1963-64 by Dr J. Bruce Beckwith, a paediatric pathologist in America and, independently, by Dr H.E. Wiedemann, a German geneticist. Each had found a similar set of congenital abnormalities in children, which could not be found in any other disorders - in other words, a new syndrome. BWS occurs once in approximately every 15,000 births. This figure may be an under-estimate because of mild cases not being diagnosed. Cases have been reported in most developed countries. In the great majority of cases it appears to be an isolated event with no known relatives, but there is some evidence that the condition can be inherited. Like many such disorders, Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome can vary in its effects from child to child i.e. some children are relatively mildly affected while others have a wider range of physical problems. There are, however, some characteristics that are common to most BWS children. Most problems can be helped or even solved provided that accurate diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment started. Those children who survive infancy, the great majority, are usually healthy, with their growth and appearance gradually becoming normal. What are the main characteristics of BWS? There are many characteristics that are associated with BWS, but most children who are affected have only a few of them. The most commonly found are described below: PREMATURITY BWS children are usually born prematurely but are larger and heavier than one would expect, given the shorter length of gestation. MACROSOMIA Height and weight over the 95% centile MACROGLOSSIA An enlarged tongue, which may cause breathing, feeding and speaking difficulties, as well as excessive dribbling. It may increase susceptibility to respiratory problems such as bronchitis or excess mucus. It may also result in the protrusion of the lower jaw. NEVUS FLAMMEUS Reddened skin on the forehead and eyelids. This usually fades in the first few years. EAR LOBE CREASES These are sometimes found in conjunction with indentations behind the upper rim of the ear. WILMS TUMOURS Tumours of the kidney. Around 7.5% of BWS children will develop Wilms Tumour. Because of the aggressiveness of these tumours, abdominal ultrasound scans should take place every three months up to the age of 7 or 8 years. A baseline MRI scan may also be performed. The susceptibility to these tumours diminishes and is not usually a problem after the age of 8. Children with one side of the body bigger than the other or enlarged kidneys appear to be more susceptible to Wilms tumour than other BWS children. Dr. Beckwith recommends that if a brother or sister has one or two of the characteristics of BWS then that child should also have ultrasound scans every three months. ABDOMINAL WALL DEFECTS These vary in severity. The worst problem is an omphalocele which allows intestines and possibly other organs to protrude externally into a covering membrane. Less serious is an umbilical hernia and the least worse case is undue weakness and separation of the abdominal muscles, which leads to a pot-bellied appearance. Lax abdominal musculature can cause problems with constipation. VISCEROMEGALY Enlarged abdominal organs, usually the kidneys, liver, spleen, adrenals and pancreas. HYPOGLYCAEMIA Low blood sugar. This occurs in approximately 40% of BWS children shortly after birth. Brain damage and other complications can result if it is not diagnosed and treated. HEMIHYPERTROPHY Overgrowth of one half of the body or of one limb while the rest of the body grows at a normal rate. HEPATOBLASTOMA Liver tumours. The risk of these diminishes after the age of 3 years. They can also be detected by abdominal ultrasound but, as not all the liver can be viewed, afp (alpha-feta-protein) levels in the blood are also monitored 3 monthly. CARDIOMEGALY or STRUCTURAL CARDIAC ABNORMALITIES Enlarged heart or heart defects. These are relatively uncommon and may resolve without treatment. Diagnosis of BWS Currently diagnosis of BWS is made by clinical evaluation and not by genetic testing. Diagnosis is generally based upon the child showing two out of the five major characteristics. These major characteristics are: macroglossia; unexplained hypoglycaemia in the first four months; ear creases or pits; abdominal wall defect (even a mild umbilical hernia); and macrosomia at birth. What is the treatment? HYPOGLYCAMIA Usually responds well to treatment with hydrocortisone, intravenous glucose and/or diet within 1 to 4 months. ABDOMINAL WALL DEFECTS If an omphalocele is present, surgery will be required soon after birth and an umbilical hernia may also sometimes need correction. Constipation may require medication. MACROGLOSSIA Surgery may be necessary to reduce the tongue size. In some cases the tongue is accommodated successfully in the mouth as the child grows but often the lower jaw is pushed forward. Some operations for tongue reduction are done before the child is a year old. Speech therapy may be necessary in some cases. All BWS children should be reviewed by a craniofacial team (surgeon, orthodontist and speech therapist) familiar with BWS. WILMS TUMOUR This will require surgery to remove the affected kidney and possibly chemotherapy and radiotherapy. HEMIHYPERTROPHY May require orthopaedic surgery.

July 4th

Well. There are few holidays that make us Americans reflect on our past like July 4th. And I would like for everyone that is on my list to take a min and go to this site and see just what the war has cost. Its a memorial page for the soldiers of the Iraq war. There are ONLY 1319 portraits on it...Faces of the Fallen include portraits of the service men and women who have lost their lives between October 2001 and November 2004. But even at 1319, there where some, that for one reason or another, not there...but the slideshow is a wonderful presentation of our Heroes. I personally have a family member on this slideshow...as many other American families do to. Its a grim reminder of what a war cost and what some gave to make your 4th of July possible. So please....while your enjoying your cookout and parades...take a min and say a pray for those that came home to rest. TY. Diana http://www.facesofthefallen.org/portraits/index.htm The Washington Post has also done a great job of posting ALL THE PICTURE OF FALLEN MEN AND WOMAN IN THE WAR...AT THIS TIME THERE ARE 3965 PICTURES POSTED. Please take a min and view this site to. Thanks http://projects.washingtonpost.com/fallen/
I took the step of deleting a couple stash items today. Its so stupid cause this is an adults site and I am starting to wonder...what is really defined as NSFW? I mean come on! I see alot of stuff on here people...and I am left wondering.... I had a couple Monty Python scenes in my stash...but they are gone now. I decided that maybe "sex education" from "The meaning of life" might be too risky. I mean...its freaking funny, but do I run the risk of someone coming to my page and reporting it and losing my account over it...nay. I really do enjoy them and they are totally for adults...but if anyone can just complain because they don’t like what they just viewed and my account gets deleted...its not worth it...so I am being pro-active...LOL. Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but whatever! So since the description of NSFW is "offensive or adult" I removed them. But hey...they are still on youtube if ya want to go see them. I will let others fight over this issue. I personally like my account too much to get it deleted. Di

NSFW photos in my ablums

Well...and here I thought I was conservative...but I guess that someone took offense to a picture in my album that showed a woman’s boobie...so I have gone thru my albums and moved ANYTHING that could be taken offensively and placed it in an NSFW album and marked them all. I guess that while I think the female body is beautiful not all people agree. So...don’t get any ideas about adding me to see dirty pics of me...I don’t have any...haha! They are all pics I found on the web that I decided to load here and well...now they are NSFW cause of cleavage. Have a great day! (and please my friends…go thru your albums too…I would hate to have a friend deleted over a stupid picture.)

True Love

True Love It was a busy morning, approximately 8 a.m., when an elderly gentleman in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 a.m. I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and re-dress his wound. While taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I then inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?" He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is." I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life." True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be. With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there are some that come along that have an important message, and this is one of those kind. Just had to share it with you all. Oh, by the way, peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have. (Amen to that!)
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