This is the strangest experience I have been privy to, wow is an understatement in comparision to my Yahoo360 and MySpace accounts. I blog all over the place and at first it appeared to be very confusing to navigate this web site, still is. Upon first impression, the all black navigation doesn't fit very well. I've webmastered for over 15 years and if I presented this to my teachers, I would have failed. With all due respect to the owners and mods of, my suggestion would be to get rid of the competing multimedia- that has to go in my opinion. I may be new here but it's difficult to read and I'm only 35. It reloads constantly because of all the users, which reminds me of blogdrive. I won't give up on this place, seems okay for now as an alternative.
My concern and question is this; What makes CherryTap any different from MySpace with the deviants and pedophiles? I'm not chastizing nor manking comparisions- I am a very blunt individual and this appears to be almost the same vibration, to those who kindly read my words, please know and respect the fact that I don't tolerate drama queens, kings, posers and headgames of any kind.
If any of the mods, owners read this or webmasters, if you feel I am out of line in my reasoning and constructive criticism, delete my account.
Thank you for your time and patience.