52 Year Old
Invited by: Bobbio the Guid...·
Joined on June 27, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 11th
·2 referrals joined!
52 Year Old
Invited by: Bobbio the Guid...·
Joined on June 27, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 11th
·2 referrals joined!
Wow this weird tell all about me huh! Im 36 and you saw my pic no need to describe except I don't always stick out my tongue.I live in Cromwell CT and work for the state of ct.I hate ct and miss Pittsburgh. I hope to move back there. I also miss someone there. Im a combat vet who was a 11 bravo. I was hurt bad and had a tough time since because I lost two good friends and I survived. They fraged us on a roof top and I took it in the face and spent alot of time at walter reed hospital. Thats enough for now other then god I hate CT.IM now adding on to this about me. I have alot of real friends but would like to make a few good ones on here. I just gave up on the point thing and levels. If you are what I seem to think a friend is I will still hook you all up with points. I mentioned earlier that I missed someone In Pittsburgh but I now KNOW its time to leave that alone. I would like to meet someone special on here or in the real world. IM not going to lie I am lonley and its been a year and 1/2 since beeing in a relationship. I choose that because I needed to work on me and finally on my ptsd. So now my life is together IM hoping someone will comealong. Well Theres chapter 2
52 Year Old
Invited by: Bobbio the Guid...·
Joined on June 27, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 11th
·2 referrals joined!
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DEADHEAD hey friends thanks for the drinks you guys rule