Okay... here it goes, I am fun, outgoing, energetic, down to earth, all smiles and fun unless it is necessary of course to be serious, and most importantly I love meeting people. Never judge someone by first impression because it is hard to get to know someone by meeting them once and besides that who are you to judge anyway. Whenever anyone meets me it is hard to pick my brain and get into my head because I don't let many people get that close to me. The first time you see me you might misperceive me and create your own image of who I am. I am not your typical stuck up Jersey guy is all I have to say so before creating a false impression of who you think I might be, why don't you try and meet me for yourself. ...Anyway, I love food, sleep, going out with friends, and most importantly MUSIC. Without music life would be so boring... I love singing whenever I get a chance and music is my life. Right now I am currently in the process of making a demo and hope to be finished with it soon. Besides music I am going to school to be a kindergarten teacher because you always need a back up plan I feel if your dream doesn't come true for some reason. I love kids because their not rude and inconsiderate. The random crap that comes off the top of their heads, puts a smile on my face all day long and I couldn't ask for anything more than that. I enjoy the summer, walking on the beach, drinking with my friends, listening to music, blasting my radio with the windows down, dancing, night life, the city, talking with strangers, getting advice, helping others, drinking wine, doing things that i never did before, traveling, my family, my friends, watching movies, and lastly being me