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What Hurts The Most

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't? or saying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs.
Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own....when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.
Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger.
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.
* What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye? *What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there? *What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? *What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them? *What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them? * People live, but people die. And I want to tell you that you are a friend. If you died tomorrow , you would be in my heart!!! Would I be in yours? If you care about me as much as I care about you, you will send this back.
We might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next, and don't want to talk at all the year after that.
So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life, I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.

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Gods Answer On Color

LORD WHY DID YOU MAKE ME BLACK Lord, Lord, Why did You make me Black? Why did You make me someone The world wants to hold back? Black is the color of dirty clothes; The color of grimy hands and feet. Black is the color of darkness; The color of tire-beaten streets. Why did you give me thick lips, A broad nose and kinky hair? Why did You make me someone Who receives the hatred stare? Black is the color of a bruised eye When somebody gets hurt. Black is the color of darkness. Black is the color of dirt. How come my eyes are brown and not the color of the daylight sky? Why do people think I'm useless? How come I feel so used? Why do some people see my skin and think I should be abused? Lord, I just don't understand; What is it about my skin? Why do some people want to hate me And not know the person within? Black is what people are "listed," When others want to keep them away. Black is the color of shadows cast. Black is the end of the day. Lord, You know, my own people mistreat me; And I know this isn't right. They don't like my hair or the way I look They say I'm too dark or too darn light. Lord, Don't You think it's time For You to make a change? Why don't You redo creation And make everyone the same?
(God answered saying)
Why did I make you black, You have the audacity to ask? I did not do it as a joke, Or as some cruel task. Get off your knees and look around. Tell Me, what do you see? I didn't make you in the image of darkness. I made you in the Likeness of Me! I made you the color of coal From which beautiful diamonds are formed. I made you the color of oil, The Black gold that keeps people warm. I made you from the rich, dark earth That grows the food you need. Your color's the same as the panther's Known for (HER) beauty and speed. Your color's the same as the Black stallion, A majestic animal is he. No! I didn't make you in the Image of darkness I made you in the Likeness of Me! All the colors of a Heavenly Rainbow Can be found throughout every nation; And when all those colors were blended well, YOU BECAME MY GREATEST CREATION! Your hair is the texture of lamb's wool; Such a humble, little creature is he. I am the Shepherd who watches them. I am the One who will watch over thee. You are the color of midnight skies, I put the stars' glitter in your eyes. There's a smile hidden behind your pain, That's the reason your cheeks are high. You are the color of dark clouds Formed during my strongest winters in December. I made your lips full so When you kiss the one you love...they'll remember.
Your stare is strong; your bone structure, Thick....to withstand the burdens of time. The reflection you see in the mirror... The Image looking back at you is MINE! So in answer to all of your questions, And to forgive you for all of your flack; These are the reasons, I THE LORD Made you SO BEAUTIFUL AND BLACK!!!
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What Have You Done To Me

What have you done to me I can't eat I can not sleep And I'm not the same anymore, oh no I don't know what to do All of me wants all of you Do I stand alone at the shore?
Now once I could turn away From everything I feel today But, now I want to walk through your door
But I've got to know... Body and soul That you've got no doubts, inside and out We are whole... Body and soul Don't leave me out in the cold Just love body and soul
Do you hear me baby I've wasted too much time Livin' for what wasn't mine Then came the day I found you And now I want nothing less
I've found a love that's truly blessed I wanna make dreams come true
But I've got to know... Body and soul That you've got no doubts, inside and out We are whole... Body and soul Don't leave me out in the cold Just love body and soul
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Every day is getting better The more I trust I feel stronger, stronger Every kiss brings me closer It feels good to let you inside.

Being Greatful

We have no right to ask, when sorrow comes, Why did this happen to me? unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way. --Philip S. Bernstein
All of us have reasons to be grateful. Usually, the word implies we have received something. We often think of gratitude as that warm feeling we get from someone else's generosity.
We are particularly grateful when we get unexpected gifts from those who owe us nothing. Within a family, we expect such acts of love because we are close to one another.
But gratitude doesn't always come from being a receiver. Gratitude is warmest when it accompanies the joy of being able to give without expecting anything in return.
We find it isn't enough to feel grateful. We have to express our gratitude by showing kindness and service to everyone around us.
Gratitude is the greatest of all heart-openers. When it enters the heart, love pours out. For every kindness we receive, gratitude inspires a hundred acts of giving.

How a BOY withdraws cash from ATM. 1. Park the car 2. Go to ATM Machine 3. Insert card 4. Enter PIN 5. Take money out 6. Take ATM Card out 7. Drive away How a GIRL withdraws cash from ATM 1. Park the car 2. Check makeup 3. Turn off engine 4. Check makeup 5. Go to ATM 6. Hunt for ATM card in the purse 7. Insert card 8. Hit Cancel 9. Hunt in purse for chit with PIN written on it 10. Insert card 11. Enter PIN 12. Take cash 13. Go to car 14. Check makeup 15. Start car 16. Stop car 17. Run back to ATM 18. Take ATM card 19. Back to car 20. Check makeup 21. Start car 22. Check makeup 23. Drive for 1/2 mile 24. Release handbrake

A Strong Black Woman

I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am me.
Filled with life, love and passion born with a destiny.
I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am strong.
By giving everything 100% I can never go wrong.I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am well groomed.
Trying to save my BLACK RACE that is labeled as Doomed.
I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am educated.
Using wisdom and knowledge to stay focused and concentrated.
To comfort and guide the children from all harm and fear.
I am BLACK, I am Woman, I have spirit. Shouting out BLACK pride so that everyone can hear it.
I am BLACK I am Woman, I know I can. Be a good support and helpmate for my Strong BLACK Man.
I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am me.
Living Life to the fullest,Letting everyone know that I am FREE I am BLACK, I am Woman, I am here
Myspace Mp3 Player, MySpace MP3 Players, Flash MP3 PlayersI made this playlist at MyFlashFetish.com.
Check out this MySpace MP3 Player!

Strength Of A Man


The strength of a man isn`t seen in the width of his shoulders.
It`s seen in the width of his arms that encircle and protect you.
The strength of a man isn`t in the deep tone of his voice.
It is in the gentle words he whispers.
The strength of a man isn`t in the words he speaks.
It`s in how he keeps his word.
The strength of a man isn`t how many buddies he has.
It`s how good a buddy he is with his or "your" children.
The strength of a man isn`t in how respected he is at work.
It`s in how he is respected at home.
The strength of a man isn`t in how hard he hits.
It`s in how tender he touches.
The strength of a man isn`t in the hair on his chest.
It`s in his heart....that lies within his chest.
The strength of a man isn`t in how many women he`s loved.
It`s in whether he can be true to the ONE woman he`s trying to love.
The strength of a man isn`t in the weight he can lift.
It`s in the burdens he can carry.
The strength of a man isn`t in how much food he eats from your table.
It`s in the effort he puts forth when you are unable.
The strength of a man isn`t in how he makes love.
It`s in the understanding that there is more to making love......than making love.
A strong man puts God first; family second;and his work third.

Get your own countUP at BlingyBlob.com SERENITY IN ME THROUGH AA And NA I have an elated feeling of belonging to a privileged band of people in AA. This sense of belonging is very much important to me, since I didn’t seem to belong anywhere or to anything during the period of life, when I was an active alcoholic. I always lived in a world surrounded by empty bottles, glasses and ash trays full to the brim and with full of despair and fear in me in a hungry, angry, lonely and tired, hostile world of my own making. I always had the temptation to apt for the easier and softer way to get away from this world, through the bottle since I neither had humility nor responsibility. Now when I look back, nothing has just happened like that and events of activities do not happen on there own. It was always the result of my careful and meticulous planning. When questioned, terror and fear would strike me and I would deny. Even though I could not manage my own life, I tried to run others life and that was clearly an end to my self-seeking. I was hoping against hope that I was not a true alcoholic, till I became hopeless and drifted into a tomb of alcohol and despair. I was bent on slow suicide. I was very clever in building a wall between other people, on an emotional level and myself, and I was an expert in that. I had become a psychopathic and pathological liar and strangely I also had a sense of humor to do it. Communication was only one way for me, I was in charge, I told every one what to do and I made the big mistakes. After becoming sane, serene and sober by god through AA, I have found out that communication is an art and a four way process which includes asking, telling, listening and understanding. This by applying in my life, I am able to build bridges of understanding with other people. Irony was in the beginning, I could never live up to my own standards for my self. So alcohol filled the space between what I wanted to be and what I really was. serenity prayer When I walked in to the fellowship of AA in 1982, it appeared to me that it was a short time course and it had worked so well to me, that I had reached a sort of heaven right here on earth, but John Barley Corn had other ideas. It was complacency and in turn I was trying to escape life and not mastering it. I was emotionally avoiding hazardous situations usually involving new people, places, time and things, because I could not cope up with life and I was scared that I would get hurt. I was too afraid of life to become involved in living. I always insisted on getting involved at people instead of with them. I never had the courtesy of allowing others to grow. I was too interfering and argumentative. I did not know those exact me, a sure sign of confusion of self. This is one of the primary reasons, which in no time led me once again in to the urge and hell of uncontrollable drinking. This is a progressive illness and I proved it, and second half of the first step took care of the rest. I was not ready to bring myself to ask for help since I was too sentimental about my hurt pride and insured ego. After repeated relapses I understood there is no possibility of my staying sober, on my own will or strength. Contd:2 serenity prayer [2] During the active and practicing alcoholic days, I did not have the feeling of belonging and the feeling of being accepted. Now I have both in AA.I now believe strongly through the steps, that serenity without growth is stagnation. Through sharing and AA 12th step work I am now able to get involved with a people. I am also ready to take a few calculated risks for the sake of progress. I am able to replace the fear of hurt and failure with faith in god and value serenity, enough to take a chance and to grow. I know that my only job is to see myself clearly and release myself to his care. My present compulsions are in a way always positive which gives me a great deal of joy, acceptance and serenity. character defects During my repeated relapses and binges I was some times able to inhale peace, thus cauterizing what I had come to decide, with no respect for myself, must be a wound of my life. I drank as if I the great river of my blood was carried by alcohol not water. I was, to put in a four-letter word in it ‘mess’. When I was on water wagon and in AA, on and off, I wanted to shout from the roof top “I’ve quit drinking” and convince every one around, but nobody seemed to be bothered about these antics of mine. As time progressed so did my alcoholism. Now after a great struggle and considerable period of sobriety, I have found out the difference between absolute serenity and just serenity. 15.jpg
MySpace Comments Graphics I have clearly understood that people pleasing and opinion seeking is not serenity, since there is no end to it, need to seek through prayer and meditation for strength to fortify my beliefs in my higher power. The disappointments in the past were in reality a blessing in disguise. alcohol drug Life was a mystery, I realized all I need was to look into today and run life and take it as it comes. I need to seek, through prayers and mediations for strength to fortify my beliefs in a higher power. The disappointments in the past were in reality great blessings in disguise. I could not do it alone. Today the AA program and the grace of god have restored my faith and I am sober and serene with the help that I find in the AA fellowship. In trying to practice the principles in all my affairs, has taught and added a new dimension to my life and has given me back a faith in god, which I thought I had lost forever. Initially I was just a Zombie walking around aimlessly with no faith in God or in Life. prayer In the beginning when I came to the program, I had brought with me too many self-centered doubts and fear of what other people in AA and outside world would think about me. I now feel open and honest about myself in AA than in the outside world. I also had the panting desire to change the world to my convenience and had a very muddy and murky ideas about how do it. But now by the Grace of God I am now clear eyed, sober and cheerful. Contd:3
[3] I had been drugged by drink, by hypodermics, by sleeping pills, I would fall, crushing my head on the tiled floors of many a bathrooms, the marks are still there as scars on my face to remained me of my insanity. In AA I have found people who had lived through some of what I had experienced, and these people have eased some my worst feelings through their sharing. My conduct in the early days towards myself had been far from perfect, since I could not stay sober for any given time or specific time. When I woke up from the haze of alcoholism on Sep2, 1992, life was a mystery realized all I need to do was to become willing and meeting the problems of life I face, while staying sober is the main point and for this I need serenity. The AA program has now taught me not to want to start again my drinking. I also leant that sanity, sobriety and serenity requires scrupulous, constant surveillance. I am gradually finding a new awareness of life and natures beauties, which I had long forgotten. This awareness is in store for an alcoholic who is recovering and it is a treat, which is quite overwhelming. I now realize the absence of change means the absence of growth. My life through AA is serene and has changed for the better “ One day AA Time” .I had realized that stopping drinking was not the happy ending to all my problems. It is a very good beginning of a new way of life since I found out the only person I can change is myself .Out of this pain I have made joy. 15.jpg
MySpace Comments Graphics In AA sharing everyone teaches me something, if I have an open mind to listen. I also have something to give in this beautiful way of life. My policy has matured into a give and take policy which has restored mutual respect since I am willing to believe in “Live and Let Live” policy. My road to emotional sobriety has begun with this. I have now an opportunity to prove my sincerity by continuous action, to do the only thing in which I can reasonably hope to succeed is to improve myself towards realities of life and my spiritual attitudes .In olden days, alcohol had twisted my thinking and filled it with resentments. It had warped my judgement and paralyzed my usefulness .Now nothing has changed outside, but inside, my own attitudes have changed to better my life in a gradual fashion hated everyone and the whole world, now through god in AA, I have replaced this emotional outburst, into patience and loving kindness I also learnt that in sobriety it is alright to express any legitimate concerns on our views without feeling guilty .I have also not only found away to serenity but a priceless formula for learning how to live in a positive way. I am always touched by the gestures of AA members and that gives me immense serenity. Contd:4 [4] The simple statement that I make in the meeting “I am an Alcoholic”, eliminates the past fears, the frustrations and the feeling of helplessness and near hopelessness has given me the courage and confidence to struggle for serenity. I had a lot of half empty, half-full problems and AA has given me the answers, by attending meetings, sharing and caring through the AA way of life I have learnt that depression and fear can be overcome. serenity prayer Through this serenity I have understood and I have been learning there is much in this world I can understand and I need to understand, which will become easier each day if I take them “One Day At A Time”. If I face myself in serenity through AA, I will find freedom from bondage of self. R.R. Sethu.. INDIA
I want recovery
02.gif Sanskrit Proverb
Look to this day,
The very life of life,
In its brief course lies all
The realities and verities of existence,
The bliss of growth,
The splendor of action,
The glory of power.
For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived,
Makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope.
Look well, therefore,
To this day.
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