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36 Year Old · Female · From Louisville, KY · Joined on April 22, 2007 · Born on September 8th · 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old · Female · From Louisville, KY · Joined on April 22, 2007 · Born on September 8th · 1 person has a crush on me!

~*a little about me♥dA nAmEz BrItTaNy...iM a HoTt LiL bLoNd..i HaVe HaZeL eYeZ..BiG bOoBz AnD a GhEtTo bOoTy..i GoT aLL dA rIgHt CuRvEz..aNd mY pIcZ aRe CoMiNg sOoN..FoR tHoSe oF u tHaT CaNt WaIt u CaN gO tO mY sIs pRoFiLe aNd SeE mE...HeR nAmE iZ..~~~*MI$TY*~~~♥STRAIGHT HAIR WIT DEM SOFT N LUCIOUZ LIPZ SEKZI THIGHZ WIT DEM FUQQIN KILLA HIPZ GHETTO AZZ WIT DA MOST TIGHTEST JEANZ I BE DAT SEKZI GURLDATZ UP IN UR DREAMZ..♥NoToRiouZ FroM HeaD 2 ToE NawTy aZ HeLL BuT I Ain*T No HoE♥Im Tired Of The Judgment* I'm Tired Of The Looks* Im Tired Of People Saying "That Girls No Good"* Im My Own Person* Im Not Like You* So Stop Judging Me* Cuz This Girl Has Been Through So Much More Than *you*♥Sometimes . . . you gotta b r e a k . . . the rules and . . s t a n d . . apart ignore . . your . . h e a d and follow your h e a r t♥I Be Da ChIcK LoOkIN FiNe WiT a LiL WaiStLiNe GoT aLL DeSe BoYz ChEcKiNg It FrOm BeHiNd..♥WheN i WaLk In Da HaTaZ sToP n sTaRe WeLL kEeP oN LoOkiN cUz i DuN FuKiN cAre i HaVe MaH oWn LyFe N sTyLe iM nOt TrYiN tA pLeAzE u Or MaKe Ya sMyLe..♥All eyez 0n me az I slide up t0 dance Fellaz all 0va me like they really g0t a chance Headz turn when I step int0 da sp0t Icy gurL *SeKzEy LiPz* b0dy l00kin h0tt..♥ReAdY 2 MaKe aN EnTrAnCe So BaK iT Up CuZ u KnO DiS ShOrTi BoUt 2 TeAr iT Up..♥i know i'm made of mistakes, disappointments, & failures but i bet for you there's a part of me that is actually worth keeping <3♥DiZ aLL rEpReSeNtZ mE...Im Da GuRl u'Ve aLwAyZ wIsHeD FoR...I dOnT tAkE nO sHyT sO iF uR cUmMiN aT mE wIt SmAcK...MoVe tO dA nExT FaKe AzZ hOe~~~~♥iM aBoUt dA rEaLeSt ArOuNd...sO iF u'Z LoOkIn FoR a DoWn tO EaRth ChIcK HoLlA aT mE~~*what i'm looking for~*find me a guy who can hold my hand tell me im beautiful laugh at my stupid questions who can call me just to tell me ~he misses me~ that he *would never hurt me* and he wants to love me forever and you'll find a guy who has my heart*~~*ByCheZ sMiLe iN mA fAcE & -aCt sO FrIeNdlY- tHen WaLk AwAy WiT hAte & HeArtZ FuLL oF Envy*~~*Life*z a sp0rt.. b0yz are game I*ma playah.. So0.. what*z yah name?*~~*gettin ridez in limousines . . havin fun wit whipped cream . . a naughty girl for life . . if u kno wut i mean .*~~*DeM i pLaY WiT eEniE MeeNi mEiNy mO PiCkEn dA RiChEsT tHuG FaW dA BaDdEsT ByCh*~~*The (3) B'S gUyS nEeD -1-Beer -2-Bitches -3-Blunts~*~*most girls who wonder how drama starts... are usually the o n e s who C A U S E it*~~*i WaNt a GuY dAt iZ rEaL...iM tIrEd oF pLaYiN gAmEz..aNd gEtTin TrEaTeD LiKe ShYt..sO iF u'Z bOuT gAmEz i AiNt dA gUrL FoR yA*~

36 Year Old · Female · From Louisville, KY · Joined on April 22, 2007 · Born on September 8th · 1 person has a crush on me!

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