HEY...Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!Copy and paste the link and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there! http://www.fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=50245
Waves crash against the shore.Taking with them bits of sand.Forever changing, altering.The shape of the land. Just like with people.When hearts and minds change.Their beaches alter.Never staying the same. In life you must take.The waves that come your way.And smile for the shores you have left.And smile for the day.
HEY...Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!Copy and paste the link and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there! tell um DA sent ya http://www.fubar.com
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