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44 Year Old · Male · From Buckhannon, WV · Invited by: Angel · Joined on October 22, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
44 Year Old · Male · From Buckhannon, WV · Invited by: Angel · Joined on October 22, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

modest and humble.

* ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' * ~~A Damned Day~~ As it drags on, no light, no sun. no one to call upon. All looked fair, during the last evening, emotion didnt carry over, nor did the feeling. for now it isolation. weather my own storm. file through the depression, rely most on my education. without verbage, the situation nulled. I pronounce my view, A Damned Day sold. Dk Inc. 07' * ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' * ~~TheDaysDestination~ shimmer sun bolt, strike earths outer layer. the day seems planned, with so much wonder to share. As Atmosphere sparkles, attitudes tend to shine. you just cannot turn away, from something so heavenly devine. so this is the defenition, of the days destination. the day relies on the sensation ; the dismal storm can rest. for today i keep for me, within my own safe haven. just one of many few to cherish, my choice not to be foresaken. DK Inc. ~OmeRtA, Redefined~ Only truth remains, My loyalty to self, sustained. Existance is wide awake, Reveals only triumphant stakes. True story told by few, Alliance to defiance some choose. "Only My Existance Reveals True Alliance." Passage * ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' * "AnOraNotManyFeel" Ok, to surpass objectives to get ones way; nowdays is ok. You can get away with your personal beliefs; without grief for certian company. Early in my life i gave in to easy. Surely would give to the needy friend; in the end got me nothing. So i accepted something in my life, more then any wealth or self-medication could defuse. The willness to lose the temper, mend to whatever it takes to wake and find inspiration in something. Continue to amuse with a Minuet demeanor, And live for something so much more greater. "Its great to know, one step closer to a talent thats grown in you for so, so long, Still can be sung in perfect harmony and cadence. Love. DK 06' * ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' * "Omerta" Avow your destiny wisely, many path choosen are precisly unjust. Growing is learning and knowledge is power, a must to prepare for our darkest hour. When given two choices, between whats good and bad, It's our self-control and best perception, to rely on ; like its all we have. To prove our enemies defeat, honor the strong, dis-approve the weak. Because no longer will they stand, a-top the unbeatable feat. Retreats no option, failure not feasible. Reasonable tactics show the wise arent feable. Most do not honor, others shall surrender. Those who still oppose, Debts will render. ~~This beath a calling, a right of passage. A way of life. Death before dishonor~~ "live by the sword, die by the sword." DarKloudInc. 08' * ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' * ~Contempt of Life~ Forced out again, man given the upper hand, only to reprimand. facts of life, nearly given up twice. The sacrifice is only a small one, when given the chance to feel more then some. Its a battle of wits, honor and heart. Unbound fortune at birth, giving into temptation is the curse. When feeling there could be no worse, Contempt would be the call for the verse. Contempt of trying, living just for dying, lost what you've kept buying, feeding into others. Truth remains scarred, of those who stay barred. Worried of the next conviction, these sentences are the invatation. DK Exclusive 07' * ©All Rights Reserved, ®failure to comply reslults in penalty of the Iron Tusk! DKinc.™ 09' *

IN short. . ty and come back soon

44 Year Old · Male · From Buckhannon, WV · Invited by: Angel · Joined on October 22, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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Forrest Gump. . Judge Dreed. . HamburgerHill. . .thats about it.
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  • darkloudinc When you got the skull structure and hair to rock a Chad Gray style bloodhawk, you just do it.. Proper use of conformity..
    10 years ago · Comment

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