i am me a Shadow Raven i live in the shadows and use my gifts to help in the darkness
i tryed changing for others out of love or other reasons i paid the price for it
one can not love or be loved if one can not be themself tis not for me
no one is worth changing oneself to be wat they want if ur going to be loved
it should be as yourself nothing else if they can't do that then they do not deserve you
i have tryed several times only to be hurt and pushed further towards darkness
was it worth it no it wasnt the price was to high i lost part of me in the process
fake friends and fake love i do not need or want the price is to high
my name Shadow Raven was given to me by a very dear native friend and her grand father a wise man for the gifts that i have
i know in today's technologie age it is not easy but those that realy know me in real life knows of them have seen them
i'm not worryed or do i care about others opinions i will not let anyone make me feel the pains and anger i have felt in the last couple years trusting others
i have given my heart in the past only to have it riped apart ,i have given my trust let friends in my personal life to be riped apart
i am done with that those that wanted me darker with a cold black heart have succeeded in their task i will not bleed for anyone anymore as i have none left
the darkness and my dark world i welcome with open arms it is where i belong it is where i was met to be not the light that is for others
i will never heal from those hurts but i will learn to live with them as a raven should i will never be whole again but that is me
some may not like it but that is for them i will not lose any sleep over them i may seem cold but that is the result of trusting friends and giving your heart away one can only take so much and not be affected
there are still a few that are close to me but that circle is very small and will be very hard to get inside
How can I trust someone if that someone has broken my trust,
My heart is empty,
Its cold as ice,
As it reach to break,
It leaks out of water,
That water drips and slips away,
That trust,
That moment,
All within those you have broken,
I may not trust you or your friends but that don’t mean we can’t be friends,
Just friends without that trust,
You have to work your trust with me,
You have to make me understand why should I ever trust you again,
You have to repair that broken trust,
You have to work hard,
That don’t mean be hateful towards me,
Just show me that I can trust you once more.
only time will tell, only time will tell, only time will tell
The dark is here
I like the dark
The dark comes and goes
The dark is good
The dark is dark
Like I like it
When the dark is here
I am happy
The dark is here