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34 Year Old · Female · From Pāhoa, HI · Joined on July 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on December 19th · I have a crush on someone!

-- im blonde,, whats your excuse? hah --  im not your average girl,, boiling pots¢¾

I am the girl that you want to be best friends with. I am crazy, loud, rambunctious, &nd open minded, but that¡¯s why people LOVE me. im quite the SCATTER BRAIN,, so im sorry if i lose some of your stuff or forget to tell someone something very important for you Neener.gif well,, The thing that people love about me the most is my LAUGH.im not Very Sure how i Sound,, Some Say i Sound like a hyena,, otherS Say like a dying monkey.hah,, but im ORIGINAL,, So you gatta Love me(: If I say something mean to you, its not because I don¡¯t like you, its just because I think with my aSS, not my brain, ahaha, which is actually what I have to work on ¡®cause itS been getting me in a lot of trouble lately. People I cant live without are my ohana &nd hoaaloha.yeah, we¡¯ve been through our ups &nd downs, but life is like a horse, you just gotta learn how to ride it.haha,, youve never heard that quote before now have you? now thats because i made it up right now Manic.gifD well,,, My life is surrounded by music, gymnastics, paddling,, &nd boxing. I uSed to go to kempo, but i quit for my perSonal reaSonS. Im pretty neutral about school, I think that id rather be at the beach rather than sitting in a classroom, but I¡¯ll be sure to graduate from college because i want to be a CSI.urghh. people doubt that I will make it in, but BITCHES don¡¯t UNDERESTIMATE me(: im not the brightest chick in school, but im making my way up it.teehee. to mee, music is life, if I didn¡¯t have it, I probably wouldn¡¯t have a heart. fck thoSe Silly love SongS,, thatS what got me tied into thiS meSS. im ADDICTED to reading,, you knoe,, how Some people are addicted to weed,, thatS how much i LOVE reading. Readings not just for nerds, its good for you, it keeps your mind mellow, so remember that when you decide to pick up a book. well anywayss,,,Call me anything, BUT your average girl ¡®cause baby, I can blow your mind away.i am a unique girl &nd SiSter,, if you think you can replace me,, think again honey(: Got any questions? Just drop a message.

34 Year Old · Female · From Pāhoa, HI · Joined on July 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on December 19th · I have a crush on someone!

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  • Someoneim thinking.....ARBY'S!:))
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