We did it! Actually, YOU did it!! We have officially hit 2 million friends on MySpace! Making me the first person to do so! You know what happens when you hit that kind of goal?? You have a PARTY at my house! Consider this your official, gold engraved cyber invitation to the newest Dane Cook MySpace page
http://www.myspace.com/danecook! So what do the guests get when they go to a party? That's right treats!!
So here's my "virtual" goody bag for you! In honor of this momentous occasion - that I have YOU to thank for - I have some surprises in store. A NEW MySpace page, redesigned with you in mind. NEW content. NEW news. NEW comedy (what? Huh? Did someone mention a new CD?) And yep, NEW movies!! As part of my tingling scalp of thanks, I've given you exclusive access to SPIRAL & 8 GUYS two of my first films! A facelift of DANECOOK.com
http://www.danecook.com is in the works too, and I'm pumped for you to see how A-LIVE things will become.
When I try to wrap my head around TWO MILLION PEOPLE, it's just not that easy. Did you know, that if THIS were a city, we would actually be the 5th largest in the USA? That's right; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and then us! We're even bigger than my hometown of Boston! We should try and think of names for this city of ours. Any suggestions?
In the meantime, join the party, mingle with the content, and tell me what you think... maybe you'll find a few more surprises tucked away. Thanks for all the memories and moments. I totally marvel at the virtual history we've created here in our "city." It's just awesome!
PS... Want a REAL goody bag? Over the next few weeks, send me pictures of your own REAL Dane Cook celebrations to put up on my new site. The best/funniest/most creative pictures will win you a REAL goody bag! Have fun!