To: The Marquette Mi. Gaming Community
I am sick and tired of the Marquette Mi. Gaming community and how narrow of a focus the members of that community have developed. Everyone knows, or should know by now, that I am not a gamer and that I do not play any of the White Wolf games nor do I have any but a passing rare interest in playing D&D. Even though I am not a gamer and have absolutely no real interest in gaming I am in a position where I probably know more about all of the sub plots and even some of the major plots in the games that are running then the storytellers even do. I cannot go more then 72 hours without hearing at length from multiple people what is going on in the games... most notably Vampires the Masqurade.
All of these people I met out side of the gaming environment, and all of these people I know have some forme of life besides gaming that has nothing to do with gaming, I know this is a fact, yet over the last 4 years I hear less and less about these people's lives and more and more about the game environment.
To these people I say this: you are turning into power gamers like they have in Detroit and Lansing who have absolutely no life outside the game. The game is supposed to be non-serious fun entertainment, that is waht it is designed for, it is not designed for reality replacement therepy!!!! Regain your grip on reality and pull your collective heads out of your asses.
I give all of you this warning, depending on what the situation is you will either get smacked upside the head the minute you begin talking game stuff in my presence OR I will turn my back on you and walk away from you. I am done listening to people pull 20+ minute rants on how someone should get gacked for doing something stupid in or out of game, or poor me my character got killed or oh my god i ran accross this cave that had an ice dragon with an army of mountain trolls guarding it or some other fictional bullshit.