Damned and Eternal. Those who the light of day have forsaken to an unearthly loom of life, siphoning all religion. Those who once knew the joy of warmth but have had from them their soul taken.Those who from others may only take. Those who are our fears of the dark and those who in dark our nightmares make. Forever is the blood. That deadly smile which sustains a mockery of life. That which is a curse passed along by death a double-edged sword, the unsheathed bloody knife. That which gives power beyond compare, holding tight, clutching to the darkness.That which causes the hunger ravenous beast who forces them to feed from throats laid bare. Undying. A cage. Screaming in sounds engulfed in flame. Shadows stretched, lurkers loom at the fringes of our mind. Shadowy words spoken in dead silence grows cold, choking through the frost. Shadowy worlds best left unseen. For the sins they call upon the house of ravens crow. No one may pay penance. Immortal is the Pain. Bloody tears cascading down an uncaring face. Drowning in the flood,distant memories fortessed in an ancient mind whose past reaches far beyond this present time. Bloody tendrils reaching far beyond the heart,pain and strife, Bloody veins torn in a field of sorrow exposed to the cold nights air that shadows the bloody knife in lifeless black eyes. Indelible is the Shame. First born son of Adam, first-born Caine, First child killing his brother, beloved Abel Whose blood upon the altar left an eternal stain. First cast out of Eden into the land of Nod. First shown the way through the undying darkness cursed to dwell forever distant from the light of God.