38 Year Old
From Washington, DC·
Joined on October 1, 2007
Born on October 12th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
38 Year Old
From Washington, DC·
Joined on October 1, 2007
Born on October 12th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Wats gud my pplz on da tap my name is Zeus a.k.a Grim heres a lil bout my self. I’m from D.C. da 202 reppin my block to da fullis. I now live in da burg(VA)I went to JM (gay ass school). But fuck all dat sht im a real lead back kind of person. I like chillin wit my boiz goin to parties, drinkin, smokein, goin to club and sht like dat.i love to draw and write I just like to have a gud time. I hate wen ppl bullsht I hate drama and I fuckin hate fake ass ppl. i don't like fake gurls nor niggaz. i can't stand wen gurlz be on dat frontin bullshit. ladies if u got a man please don't talk to me i hate that sht cause im not in da mode to be beatin ur manz ass iight so just sper me da headach. to da niggaz out there its iight u hit me up sht like dat and wat not do as u please. but u try to cum at me da wrong way like sum bullsht like u da sht or sum dumb sht like why u talkin to my gurl sht like that naw its not goin down like dat. if ur gurl iz talkin to me cause she wants to. so she iz da one dat needs to be checked iight cause if not and u cum at me wit dat sht im goin to bus ya mufuckin head iight. so if anybody is one of those don’t waste my fuckin time tryin to be my friend cause it aint happen. And I don’t like all dat rate me, fan me, bullsht i aint wit dat if u wanna talk and be friends sht like dat, dats fine so just don'y waste my time. iight ppl fuck all dat. this is to da ladies im lookin for a real bitch sumone dats on top of their game sumone sexy, smart, funny, dat kno how to threat there man and respect them and not only that my gurls have to respect them selves. if any u out there it would be nice to meet sumone like dat. so all and all holla at me iight im out one
38 Year Old
From Washington, DC·
Joined on October 1, 2007
Born on October 12th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
January 25, 2008 @ 6:12 am Roses are red Violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny, Eat me, Beat me, Bite me, Blow me, Suck me, Fuck me, Very Slowly, if you kiss me, don't be sassy, Use your tongue and make it nasty!!! **Pass this on to at least 8 people who u think r sexy......If you get it back atleast 5 times, you know your a SEXY ASS MOTHAFUCKA