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68 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 29182 · Joined on May 28, 2006 · Born on August 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
68 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 29182 · Joined on May 28, 2006 · Born on August 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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What is Love.......

Its taking the time to say it, mean it and hold truth and belief as well as trust.

Its feeling it , tasting it , hearing it as well as expressing it..

Its the smile on your face , the look in your eye that says " you take my breath away " ! In your inner eye you see angels dancing , butterflies fluttering , the sun shining bright in a clear blue sky , the air as fresh as a daisy..

Its knowing you are true to the one , that they make your day the most , your heart sing a song that no one can deny. You love them one second at a time for the rest of eternity ! each day as if there is no tomarrow and yet as if you could lose the most precious thing in your life any moment. Life is to short, never believe that you can put off telling them how much you love them til another time , for it may never happen.

To each his own for how they feel and say they are in love. Just know and take the time to tell them , show them and be there for them. Take there love as if it were the the gold and treasures that make you "thrive". Earn there love each day and hold your reward close to your heart.
Love is a mysterious , beautiful thing god has given us.

You scored as Outgoing. You outgoing and you have a very friendly personality.















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You scored as normal. ok so your normal!! lucky you



kinda f***ed up


really f***ed up!!


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68 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 29182 · Joined on May 28, 2006 · Born on August 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
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What is Love.......

Its taking the time to say it, mean it and hold truth and belief as well as trust.

Its feeling it , tasting it , hearing it as well as expressing it..

Its the smile on your face , the look in your eye that says " you take my breath away " ! In your inner eye you see angels dancing , butterflies fluttering , the sun shining bright in a clear blue sky , the air as fresh as a daisy..

Its knowing you are true to the one , that they make your day the most , your heart sing a song that no one can deny. You love them one second at a time for the rest of eternity ! each day as if there is no tomarrow and yet as if you could lose the most precious thing in your life any moment. Life is to short, never believe that you can put off telling them how much you love them til another time , for it may never happen.

To each his own for how they feel and say they are in love. Just know and take the time to tell them , show them and be there for them. Take there love as if it were the the gold and treasures that make you "thrive". Earn there love each day and hold your reward close to your heart.
Love is a mysterious , beautiful thing god has given us.

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