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48 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 179091 · Joined on September 9, 2006 · Born on April 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
48 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 179091 · Joined on September 9, 2006 · Born on April 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Hi my name is Carly, I am 30 years old, I am a lawyer. I am origanaly from Miami Florida but now reside in Alberta Canada. If ya want to know more Ask.

However for all ya guys I should say there are 5 simple rules not hard to follow just please play by em.


1. If ya gona rate my photos please leave a comment, thanx.

2. I luv to chat so don't be afraid to say hi, but if I don't respond I am not ignoring you it just means I am buisy.

3. please do not send my photos of you naked, or of your peines if I wanted to see these things I would come visit ya so if I aint nocking on ya door please don't show me that stuff. Thanx!

4. Be nice I don't mind swearing and shit but if ya gunna be rude then leave now! K thanx!

5. This ones easy have fun and be creative when messaging me or leaven comments cause it will earn ya points with me lol.

48 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 179091 · Joined on September 9, 2006 · Born on April 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I was invited here by my best freind in the world, Without him not only would I not be on CT but I would for sure be dead now. show him lots of luv he realy is a great guy.


@ CherryTAP

This is his luvly wife and another one of my best freinds so pop by and say hi to her if ya like.

Oh and if you do pop by her page make sure you buy her a root beer its her favorite.

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