Are you kissable?
Let's find out who the MOST KISSABLE people are on Fubar!
A new contest, only for Christmas, brought to you by the FuGraphics Gift Shoppe. NO RATES, NO COMMENTS, ONLY KISSES!
Here is how to play...
In order to enter, you must receive a personalized bough of mistletoe like the one below. Each bough counts as 1 kiss. The numbers will be changed with each bough that you receive, in order to match the number of times you've been gifted a mistletoe. On December 23rd, the male and female most often "Kissed" will each win 250,000 fubucks, a pimp-out, and an award tag to announce them as the MOST KISSABLE MAN/MOST KISSABLE WOMAN ON FUBAR.
The Rules:
2. When buying a kiss for someone, send me their FUBAR ID number or a link to their page.
3. You may purchase as many as you want.
4. Anyone attempting to alter the tags in order to cheat will immediately be disqualified from the game. I mark my tags in a way that I will recognize, so cheating isn't advised.
6. Running totals will be kept in my blog, so you can see who is currently winning.
7. All kisses must be purchased no later than 9pm EST on December 23rd.
8. Participants MAY display their kisses on their profile if they wish to do so. This is NOT required.
9.Players may also "pimp" themselves and request kisses from members. This is not considered cheating, and it is not required.
So...who would YOU like to kiss?
Merry Christmas, and PLEASE REPOST!
- Heartistic Soul
Owner of the FuGraphics Gift Shoppe
Heartistic Soul

@ fubar
The contest started earlier this morning, and so far it has gotten entirely out of hand.
Here is more information on how to play, PLEASE PLEASE read it before you order anything. I've gotten more emails than I can answer, and most of what I am getting is taking forever to answer questions and correct mistakes.
I'm not that fu-popular on most days, so to have 200 emails and tons of bucks being thrown my way chaotically is giving me a don't want anyone overlooked or uncounted.
Here is how to play, very easily :)
1- Each kiss (mistletoe) costs 500 fubucks. No matter how many you order. Each kiss is personalized with the person's name and the number kiss it represents. I've already gotten orders for 100 kisses and more, for the same individual, and I will be making a tag with that number on it, instead of 100 individual tags. It will mean the same, and count the same, without the 100 tags for them to sort through.
2- You may buy as many as you want, for as many people as you want, but YOU MAY NOT BUY THEM FOR YOURSELF.
3- This is how to order...let's say I want to buy a kiss for my best friend, and her number fubar ID is 000001. I'll send a fupal transfer for 500 fubucks, with text that says something like "One kiss to Anniebelle, user #000001". If I wanted to send her two, I'd send 1,000 fubucks.
4-At the end of the game, the player with the most kisses wins.
I really hope that this helps to clear up the confusion. I can't keep up with the making and sending of the gifts, and have to answer so many emails and explain at the same time :) I had no idea that this would get as big as it has, and I'm trying my best to keep up with you is a lot of love here on Fubar! Who'da thought?
I am making the gifts in the same order that I'm receiving them in email, and after I've delivered them, I'll add that person/number to the tally. If you don't see someone's name listed yet, it is because I haven't gotten to them yet. I promise - I'll get it in there!
Best wishes to all, and Happy Holidays!