What do I say about myself, well, I'm a single mom with 2 wonderful children..14yo boy and 11yo girl. They are my greatest acheivement. They are wonderful, smart and all around good kids. (I think they belong to the milk man....ha/ha) Any way I'm an EMT and in the middle of Paramedic school. Which is really tough, but I will make it...just one more year to go...YAHOO!!!. Otherwise, I'm outgoing, caring..trustworthy and honest. I don't like cheaters, or people who mistreat and try to overpower others. I like being around people who like to have fun. I like going out once in a while, maybe just stay home and watch a movie...even like camping. Dont have much time to read books unless its for school...boring....Right now school and clinicals, kids pretty much take up my time, but I have every other weekend to do what I want. I am in the EMS service because I love being around people and I love helping people. I am straight forward, don't lie,(unless situation calls for saving my ass) otherwise I live by the Golden Rule...I will treat others, as I am being treated. But then again, it really pisses people off when they are mad about something or just mad at you and I'm being just overly nice. (You catch more flies with sugar than vinegar)but anyways,,,thats about the jest of me..Wanna know more just contact me and we'll talk....HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY...HOT LIPS...AKA CORA