You Are An ENFP |
![]() The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller! In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart. You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. You break a lot of hearts. At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do. You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused |
how good of a kisser are you |
![]() ![]() great kisser when u kiss someone u leave em craving your lips for ever!!! |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Intrapersonal Intelligence |
![]() You are good at analyzing yourself - and knowing your true feelings. Totally self aware, you are in tune with your dreams and desires. A spiritual and philosophical person, your inner calmness inspires and helps others. You would make a great philosopher, researcher, or theorist. |
Your Sex Sign is... |
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You're a total pleaser.
One sample of your touch, and anyone is hooked.
You're so good that you've gotten people off just with your incredible kissing.
You're a bit of a romantic, and you only have sex that's meaningful. Cancer, you are a born pleaser. Few people can resist your passionate, playful allure. An incurable romantic, you adore being courted. You'll do anything for a lover that sends you flowers or love tokens. You like lots of cuddling, touching, and kissing. You are a celebrated kisser. You also like to touch and fondle yourself. Typically, you learned to give yourself pleasure at a very young age. As an adult, you are easily aroused and multi-orgasmic. Mutual masturbation is very satisfying for you. You are extremely aware of your sexual attraction. You telegraph your sensuality with every move you make. You have the most communicative body language of any sign. You are very emotional, and you constantly need an emotional outlet. Frequent sex seems to calm you down. But you are old fashioned, and a quickie is not your style. You prefer long, slow seductions, erotic masasages, and lots of oral sex. |
'What is your Sex Sign?' at |
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
What kind of Pagan are you? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Ecclectic Pagan A veritable blend of all the pantheons and perhaps a dash of a few other religions as well, you're the versitile Ecclectic Pagan. You have no problem wearing an ankh while setting an offering to Herne on your alter just below your image of Hera. You don't believe in coloring within the lines, and are a bright free-thinker. While you respect the views of your fellow pagans, as far as you're concerned, religion is the sky, and there's no one about to clip your wings with lines and limitations.
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What kind of SEX do you love? (pics) created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Phone Sex "Talk dirty to me" describes your idea of a good time. A sexy voice really sets the tone of a good evening for you.
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Which 1950's PIN-UP Girl are you?? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Betty Page
Quest you are destined for created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Quest to save another world. You are generous to risk yourself for another world, but you want little or no thanks or glory, its your task, and you will go about it with a sense of duty that cannot be matched. Way to go!