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TecHTecH's blog: "Crazy Dreams"

created on 04/10/2007  |  http://fubar.com/crazy-dreams/b72622

Crazy Dream 2

ok so i wake up like any normal morning in my room. everythings is basically in its place, thn i notice that im fully clothed. i ignored it as i go downstairs n c my dad n stepmom, patti, sittin on the couch drinkin their coffee. i say hi 2 them, but they dont respond. so i go n stand in the middle of the living room n say it again, n they still dont respond. theyre lookin at me, but it feels like theyre lookin thru me. thn it all goes black... ...thn i find myself at codys place. in his room. n theres cody n risa just sittin there, n risas cryin. codys holdin her n i said, "whats wrong?" n they dont respond. cody says, "risa its ok. hes got something better now maybe. besides he mightve wanted it this way." thn risa looks up n i c their eyes meet, n all risa had was a look of pure sorrow. thn everything blacks out again... ...thn i find myself in annies kitchen. annies leanin up against the counter w/ tears in her eyes as chanti n rachel r comfortin her. "annie its gonna b alright,"rachel says. "he did it 2 keep us alive." n i say, "who did what?" n i get the same result. so i yell it this time, n the same thing. thn chanti says, "its hurtin every1 annie. we gotta try n move on." thn annie replies, "i just cant believe hes gone." thn another black out... ...n i pop up in alyss living room. shes w/ kyle n their just sittin on the couch. she looks as tho shes been cryin as well, n she says, "y did he hav 2 do that? y did he hav 2 do it?" i wantd 2 ask again, but i figured id get nothin as an answer. so i just listened as kyle said, "he did it 4 us. he did it 2 save us. i think he did the right thing." "i just want him bak." alyss said. "i just want him bak." thus another black out... ..now im outside nick sargents house. n i c him n nick curtis walkin away, so i run 2 catch up w/ them. "cant believe it bro." nick s said. "i cant believe hes really gone." "yea," nick c said. "he was so fuckin crazy, but hes really gone." and another... ...n now im at sarahs house, in her room. i got scared whn i saw where i was. thn i saw her sittin on her bed, w/ nickie next 2 her. she was holdin somethin like a piece of paper, but it was really small. she was cryin, n i still didnt know y. "y did u hav 2 go?" she said 2 nickie. thn i saw that what she was holdin was a picture w/ me on it. "y did u hav 2 go n do that? y did u hav 2 die 4 us? y rob, y?" suddenly i felt as if my body was being pulled by my insides as i left sarahs house. me dead? how? y? whn? questions i needed answered, n i had a feelin like i was gonna get them... ...so now im here at what looks like a morgue standin in front of a table w/ a body on it. the smell was so horrible. i looked down at the toe tag n it read: NAME: Robert A. Vrabel DATE OF BIRTH: 05/08/89 DATE OF DEATH:05/08/07 CAUSE OF DEATH: Bullet penetrated the heart, but not instant death. now i know what killed me, but y? i turned toward what was the head n pulled th cover off n i was starin into my own face. it was pale white, eyes closed never 2 open again, n so still. thn i saw where the bullet hit me. it was a pretty damn big hole, but y did i die? y? thn it blacked out again... ...thn i c every1. annie, risa, cody, kyle, nickie, chanti, rachel, every1. n they were surrondin something. so i got a closer look n i saw me layin on the ground, bloodied n everything. i was at the scene of my own death! n sarahs down holdin my head up, thn she asked, "y did u do it rob?" thn i, the dying me, say, "bcuz i love u all. bcuz i told u guys id take a bullet 4 any1 of u. bcuz i want u 2 live out ur lives. bcuz..........i love u........." thn i c me die. thn i feel a sharp pian in my chest. i look down 2 c it, n there was blood pourin out of me. thn i die w/ my real body.

Crazy Dream 1

ok i found myself in mesa amc 24's courtyard. i was w/ annie, cody w/ risa, chanti, nickie, n alyss. the nicks (if some of u get confused whn i say that, the nicks r nick curtis and nick sargent) n kyle were there 2, but not w/ us. i turn away frm the conversation we were havin 2 c where they went 2, n i found nick c in a fight w/ this guy. i didnt kno this guys n im quite sure neither did the rest of us except the nicks n kyle. he was wearin a black bandana on his head with black pants n a red band t-shirt. anyway, they were yellin at each other, thn i c nick c reach in his pocket. i left annie n thm n rushed ovr, cuz i knew he was reachin 4 his big ass knife. i got there just in time b4 he pulled it out. "nick its not worth it," i said 2 him. "its not worth it. hes not worth it." thn i heard the guy say, "what the fuck did u just say?" i turned round calmly n replied, "i said ur not worth gettin him in trouble, n hes not worth gettin u in trouble." i went 2 finish up w/ nick c, but the guy grabbed my shoulder n spun me round. he stuck his finger in my face as he said, "he might not b, but u sure as hell r." i looked him up n down n said, "im not gonna fight u. i dont even know u. im not gonna fight u." the rest of the group was aware of what was goin on by now n i could c outta the corner of my eye that annie was comin 2 me. the guy pushed me bak a lil, but i kept standin. he did it again, n the same result. "rob," annie had reached me n was holdin my arm, pullin a lil. "rob, come with me. plez." what the guy did next was un-fuckin-believable. he took 1 look at annie, said, "get the fuck outta here, bitch!", n he back-handed her. i swear it felt like time stopped as i felt somethin, or somethings, snap in my brain. i went 2 punch him, n in slow motion i saw it connect n break his nose, thn beginnin 2 bleed. everythin went bak 2 normal as i swung punch after punch at him, throwin my whole body into every1 n connectin each time. it mustve been after bout 15 of these whn he tripped backwards ovr a bench. i had on my CCCP (Can Cody Carress ur Penis) with 1 of my muscle shirts on underneath n my usual hat. i whipped off the jacket n hat n flung it towards where the group had now congregated. i saw awe, encouragement, n even fear in all of their eyes. i turned bak 2 the guy 2 find him tryin 2 get up off his hands n knees infront of a stone trash can. i baked up a lil n crouched down like a linebacker does right b4 hes gonna blitz. i waited 4 the right moment 2 strike, whn he was totally vulnerable. thn i saw it. bak 2 me, almost standin completely up, n semmingly bout 2 turn round. i sprinted, not ran, sprinted as hard as i could at him.right b4 he turned completely round, i let out a cry that could only b described as demonic. he saw me, but it was 2 late. CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i speared him thru the trash can, n heard his bones crack ovr the crushin sound of the can breakin. there was a sharp pain on my shoulder that hit him n my chest on the same side, but i ignored it as i got ovr him n continued 2 punch the livivn shit outta him. it felt like hours b4 the nicks, kyle, n cody were tuggin on me 2 get me off. i escaped their grasp a few times b4 kyle said, "VRABEL!!! thats ENOUGH!!!!!" i let thm pull me up. i looked ovr the carnage that i had just made. the poor sonofabiotch wasnt movin, but i could hear him wheezin 4 air n saw lil bubbles thru the blood that was still comin outta him. he just laid there in his own blood n rubble frm the trash can. i looked at my hands n saw they were covered w/ his blood as well. i wiped thm off as best i could on my shirt n said 2 thm, "alrite. im done." thn nick s piped up n said, "rob, uve been stabbed!" i looked 2 where he was pointin n sure enough there was the hilt of a knife in me. it went at an upward angle so that i could c the tip of the blade comin outta where my collar bone is. i felt the pain start 2 come ovr me, but i still had adrenaline in me, n i pulled it out. i winced n groaned as it came out. i looked at it n i saw it was hella big, bigger thn nick c's blade. i dropped it n turned 2 the rest of the group. the encouragement was gone frm their faces, leavin awe n fear. i walked ovr 2 where annie was seated on the ground, tears in her eyes. i started 2 c a blackness round my vision, but i ignored it. i knelt down infront of annie n asked, "r u ok?" she nodded, n said, "but what bout u?" she looked at my knife wound n bak 2 me as i said, "ill b ok." my vision started 2 blur n blacken more as i said it again. i felt my self losin my balance a lil bit, but i couldnt regain it. "rob?" i fell 2 the side n laid there. "Rob?" i felt a coldness grip me as my eyes started 2 close. "ROB!!!!!!!" my eyes closed.
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