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46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 8, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 30th · 1 referrals joined!
46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 8, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 30th · 1 referrals joined!

Here some things about me im single
I was born in 1978 in Indiana on august 30 the year that Indiana the worst blizzard in years
My sisters would tell me that was the day hell froes over lol
In my blog in the summer that’s a true store and I still have that buckle I put it in my photos I use it for a back round on fubar I have 6 sisters no brothers I was all ways getting my but kicked by my sister I can be bull headed and stubborn at times I don’t see how I mad it throw the years with 6 sister but I did and im still here loll
I have never Ben marred.
I don’t have any kids of my own I have three nieces and one nephew that I take care of form time to time one of sisters call me her little big brother because I am the youngest but a lot of times I had to act like the oldest I have a nephew that cant talk yet because he had a trake till he was 41/2 years old he was born on July 5th in 2002 be is now 7years old he waved a bout 2pounds 6 ounces he has three sisters and thy call me buba my oldest sister got them in to doing that.
There are times that I would have to acted like a dad to them because there real dad was up to no good.
He would hart my sister when he drank to much and he did some bad drugs and he was never around to much for those kids. so I was the one there when thy would get hart or sick and scared there was times when I would stay up all night with them the oldest girl would have night mare’s about her past from all the yelling and fight and I would here her wake up screaming and she would call my name and I would have to help her back to sleep and as the years go by they sleep better now there not a round so much fighting any more my sister has remarried and he sounds like a good man the kids are doing a lot better these days so here I am on fubar and if you would like to know more a bout me just ask
and i am irish /german /duch /most leey irish /so bring on the whiskey lol

46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 8, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 30th · 1 referrals joined!
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  • countryboy2626 hey ladys im single 36 have a great full time job sorry I only make about 17 hr no kids never married . so why am I single. lol am I to ugly to date or what?
    9 years ago · Comment

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