Brown, Yellow, Red, Black, White, Democrat,
Republican, Blind, Deaf, Rich, Poor,
Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Moslem,
Free, Prisoner, Servant, Professional.
It makes no difference.
Because to our Creator we are all the same,
as it should be to us.
A wise man said: don't judge another
unless you have walked in their shoes.
We have the same Capacity for Love in us,
We feel the same amount of Pain,
We feel the same amount of Joy,
We feel the same amount of disappointment,
The same amount of understanding
The same amount of Misunderstanding.
How do we choose?
do we Love another because they look and live
as we think they should?
Have you ever seen a Cat & Dog that
Love and care for each other?
but yet they look so different,
they think so different,
they are completely alien to each other!
but yet they know it really makes no difference
and each allows the other, to be different,
Love Knows no difference.
If You feel down
I want You to know, I Understand.
If you feel hurt,
I want you to know I Care.
And if You feel alone,
I want you to know I Love you.
May you have a very special Day,
May there be food on your table,
May there be joy in your heart,
But one thing I know you will not be Without
and that is Love.
May God bless you My Friend!