Take 5 second and 2 clicks of your time to please stop and rate this pic. Any rate will do.
For those that would like to help out further take a moment or two longer and drop a comment or two. Every little bit helps out!
Hello Everyone! I am hosting my first contest starting today (April 14th) at Noon EST and running until the 28th at Noon EST.
The Contestants Are:
♫ôChuggyô♫~the Naked*asst.mgr.@the~REAL~Red~Dragon~Loungeô♫
Deadman Walking
Mz Chaos
*****Disqualified! Rule specifically stated no green accounts and one was bombing her. When I went to visit the green account it no longer existed.
~* Soldiers Baby Gurl *~
The prizes are as follows....
*1st Place= Choice of either a 30 Day Blast or 3 Month VIP (30,000 Comments Minimum)
*2nd Place= Choice of either a 7 Day Blast or 1 Month VIP (20,000 Comments Minimum)
*3rd Place = A 3 Day Blast (7,500 Comments Minimum)
*4th Place = A 1 Day Blast (5,000 Comments Minimum)
*There is also a special Fu Cash prize for the contestant with the most rates (rates do not count towards comments though) this is completely separate. Which means just because you have the most comments you may not have the most rates.
Here are the rules for this contest:
1. This contest is a comment bombing contest...Self bombing is encouraged and Families are welcome. There will be a Fu Cash prize for the contestant with the most rates also.
2. No drama...Any body causing drama or starting trouble will be disqualified and blocked immediately
3. No cheating....(scripting, fake/green accounts, etc.)
4. Absolutely no degrading of another contest participant. If you are found guilty of doing this you will be disqualified and blocked immediately!
5. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
I normally do not ask for much, but really need help in this case. I am currently almost 2,000 comments behind and it ends tonight at 9pm EST. I can't do it alone! Read the following and do what you can please! Even if you just rate the pic and leave one comment....that is one more than I would have other wise!! I will return all of the help.....Just let me know what you did.
I have entered the Battle of the Sexes Contest and need lots of help. There will be two rounds to this contest. Round 1 ends on Friday April 11th at 9PM EST and I need to be the female with the most comments to move on to Round 2 and take on the male with the most comments from Round 1. Rates and comments count. Please at least make 2 clicks and rate the pic for me.
If you do leave comments even better as I'm currently behind!! I will be giving away FuBucks for comments. To make it easier to keep track of please number your comments and then when you are done send me a private message (fu mail) with how many comments you left. I will be assigning lotto numbers to those that leave at least 100 comments for a special drawing for Big Pimpin Gifts, Blings, Etc.
Comments for FuBucks Ratio:
100 comments = 7,500 FuBucks
200 comments = 12,500 FuBucks
500 comments = 27,500 FuBucks
and for each 100 you leave you will be assigned that lotto number. So if you leave 500 comments you will get 5 lotto numbers assigned to you which gives you a better chance of winning something extra.
I will return all love shown as soon as possible also.
Link to my contest entry to rate and comment:
While you are at it please show the host some love and Fan/Add/Rate her!
Fallen Angel ~ Demon Crew Co-Founder~ Member of the Stiletto Girls~FU OWNED by MASTER CAIN @ fubar
Hello everybody! I have thought about hosting a contest for a while now. I have never hosted a contest before but thought it was time to give it a try. You can enter any picture you want to in the contest as long as it is SFW. I would like to start the contest around the 14th of April but will start as soon as I get at least 10 people in it (which ever comes first). This contest will run for two weeks from the start date. So I will post a bulletin/blog later with the exact start/finish dates. This is a comment bombing contest so most comments wins 1st place and 2nd most wins 2nd place and so on.
The prizes are as follows....
*1st Place= Choice of either a 30 Day Blast or 3 Month VIP (30,000 Comments Minimum)
*2nd Place= Choice of either a 7 Day Blast or 1 Month VIP (20,000 Comments Minimum)
*3rd Place = A 3 Day Blast (7,500 Comments Minimum)
*4th Place = A 1 Day Blast (5,000 Comments Minimum)
*There is also a special Fu Cash prize for the contestant with the most rates (rates do not count towards comments though) this is completely separate. Which means just because you have the most comments you may not have the most rates.
Here are the rules for this contest:
1. This contest is a comment bombing contest...Self bombing is encouraged and Families are welcome. There will be a Fu Cash prize for the contestant with the most rates also.
2. No drama...Any body causing drama or starting trouble will be disqualified and blocked immediately
3. No cheating....(scripting, fake/green accounts, etc.)
4. Absolutely no degrading of another contest participant. If you are found guilty of doing this you will be disqualified and blocked immediately!
5. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
If you are interested in joining please submit your picture link to me via private message (fu mail)
Èvîl Àñgël†Ðëмõñ Ç®ëш ÀΜ Šhïƒt Lëâð뮆♠Ç∫ùβ ƒÃ®♠ @ fubar
As soon as I get at least 10 people interested, I will post another bulletin/blog to let you know when the contest starts.
Right now I have 9 people entered so if I get at least 1 more it could start early. If you are entered keep an eye out for a new bulletin/blog with start and end dates. If you still want to enter there is plenty of time.
Thank you for joining and remember HAVE FUN!
Ç£ÃÿMØ®Ê is in a winter theme contest. The winner has their choice of a 7 day blast or 1 month VIP. Send some love his way and leave a bunch of comments.