Every night I lie in bed
This little prayer inside my head -
God bless my mom and dad
and bless my children
and take care of my husband
he brings me so much joy.
And God there's just one more thing
I wish that you would do -
if you don't mind me asking -
to just bless my puter too??
Now i know that its not normal,
to bless a small machine,
but listen just a second
and i'll try to explain;
You see, that little metal box
holds more than odds and ends;
inside those small components
rest a hundred loving friends.
Some its true I've never seen
and most i've never met;
we've never shaken hands or
ever truly hugged, and yet -
I know for sure they love me
by the kindnesses they give
and this little scrap of metal
is how i get to where they live.
By faith is how I know them,
much the same as I know you.
I share in what life brings them
so if its ok with you -
Just take an extra minute
from your duties up above,
to bless this little hunk of steel
thats filled with so much love.