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RedHotLustLife's blog: "Comments"

created on 11/01/2006  |  http://fubar.com/comments/b20094

Soul Mates

He saw her over the gulf of eternity
sitting under the great oak.
Her body swathed in pure white chiffon
and lace,
White and pure and soft.
Her legs up
her body cradled over
the box... the box of gold..
her gift.

She sat there crying,
Her sobs touching every fiber of her soul.
For inside the box, was her gift,
of love, her soul, her desire, her need.
The precious seeds of her womanhood.

With love
those seeds would grow,
venture out of the box into the sunlight,
and through their growth
fill her life with color
the beautiful perfume of flowers,
the wonder of birds and butterflies
attracted by it's beauty.

But her box was grey,
Covered with years of neglect,
the seeds resting on bone-dry soil.
Her heart in hibernation.
Her tears tracing lines down her cheek.

He watched her.
He understood.
She fell asleep.

She woke to see him there
The box cradled lovingly in his lap
Toolbox by his side.
He was a million miles away
across the great gulf
yet seemed to be right next to her.
And she watched,
as his loving hands treasured it
wiped away the years
brought back the wonder of the gold,
made all the years of neglect disappear.
Time stood still as she watched.
The gold was battered,
dented and scraped,
marks of the pain in her life.
Each mark disappeared under his loving attention,
each dent pulled out,
each scrape buffed clean.
Time, he seemed to have endless time,
as he focused his love on each flaw,
one by one,
tears in his eyes as he understood the pain each one signified,
then erasing it with his loving hands.
The gentle light from his eyes,
and the water from his tears,
nourished her seeds,
bringing life and beauty where there once was desolation.

And then he was there,
next to her.
She lost herself in his eyes
as he tenderly placed the treasure
in her hands.
"Take it forever!" she started to cry,
but a gentle touch to her lips stifled the cry in her throat.
"My love," he said,
God has placed us on opposite sides of a great gulf.
Only He can make that gulf disappear, and he will,
in His own time.
Until then, we have His work to do,
each on our own side.
When that work is done, He will look on us with favor,
for it is He who sent me to you."
He took her hands in his,
touched his lips to hers, and said,
"But this promise I make: when you need me, summon me.
I will come to your side.
And every night I shall return,
to wipe away every scratch,
fix every flaw,
that life has put on your gift of your womanhood.
I will lie with you and ease your pain.
And when the gulf is gone,
when eternity is ours,
I will place your gift in a place of honor,
So the world will see, and know
that I treasure you,
your womanhood,
your love,
your life.
They will all know that you have finally received
the love you deserve."

And he was gone.
She cried.

Then a soft voice was heard from all around her
and inside her...
"My, child. When you thought it was a man you needed
I let you choose a man.
But he took your gift, and put it on a shelf
To wither
To die.
When you thought it was a lover you needed
You chose a lover
Who simply used your gift as a stepping stool
to reach over the walls in his life which he despised.
No, it is not a man you need,
for a man cannot understand your heart.
And it is not a lover you need. A lover is like a firefly,
lighting your life for a moment,
then leaving you to deal with the darkness
Until it flashes again.
So I have taken it into my own hands
and shown you what you truly need.
He is not just a man, though a man he is.
He is not just a lover, though a lover he is.
He is the man I have given you forever..
He is your soulmate"

My Opinion

ON SEPT. 12, 2001, the United States received messages of support and condolence from around the globe as this nation struggled to comprehend the previous day’s terrorist attacks. At home, we vowed to set aside our petty differences and unite as Americans. Today I struggle to comprehend how this nation squandered the near universal good will expressed then. I wonder how the same population that vowed unity then has become so bitterly divided. The disastrously planned invasion of Iraq earned us the enmity of much of the world and has divided us at home. The war on terror has scarred this country’s human rights record. Three years ago, the world watched helplessly as an inept federal government stumbled while thousands of people struggled to survive Hurricane Katrina’s wrath in New Orleans. Like an exclamation point at the end of the Bush administration, the economy now teeters on the brink of collapse. I believe this country needs healing internally to end the class and cultural warfare that has reached levels today I never thought I’d see again after 9/11. The United States’ current international image as the world’s bully must be reformed if we hope to effect stability in regions that are now hotbeds of terrorism and nuclear adventurism. Economic recovery, as I see it, is dependent on those goals. FOR THOSE critical efforts, I believe Barack Obama is the best choice as our next president. Throughout a grueling primary campaign that began at the Old State Capitol in Springfield IL, Obama went from extreme underdog to the confident, self-assured candidate of the Democratic Party. His poise on the campaign trail since then is no surprise to me. I saw it in person four years ago when he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate. Thoughtful, engaging and intellectually nimble, Obama exuded a sense of quiet self-confidence rare among politicians. But poise and eloquence alone, as Obama’s detractors have pointed out ad nauseum, don’t make a president, and neither do I rely solely on those qualities in endorsing Obama. OBAMA'S ADVOCACY of diplomacy in dealing with countries that we now shun, like Iran, is a necessity in our quest to bring “rogue” nations into the global community. I believe an Obama administration, which would represent a complete break from Bush policies of the last eight years, would make such diplomacy not only possible, but effective. I find Obama’s health-care plan, which provides incentives for employers to provide insurance and will make it more difficult for insurance companies to decline coverage based on pre-existing conditions, to be vastly superior to John McCain’s proposed $5,000 tax credit. While McCain has chided Obama throughout the campaign for opposing last year’s troop surge in Iraq, I side with Obama in noting that the Iraq war began in 2003, not 2007. Clinging to ill-defined notions of “victory” at this stage will only prolong what is already viewed as our occupation of Iraq. An Obama presidency would send a signal to Iraq that it is time to stop relying on America to maintain stability there. I also think Obama’s personal story — born to a single mother, raised by grandparents, struggling with his own identity — put him in a position to be uniquely empathetic with many Americans of humble means who are now working to emulate his success story. I'D BE REMISS if I did not add here that I am profoundly disappointed in the tone McCain’s campaign embraced throughout this race. Hiring the very people who so thoroughly smeared him in South Carolina in 2000 did not serve McCain well. While sounding a call of bipartisan unity, McCain’s actions did otherwise, painting his opponent as an exotic and unknown figure to be feared and mistrusted. His selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate was an insult to those who looked to McCain to restore strength and stability to the Republican party. Those, however, are not the reasons for my endorsement of Obama. This country needs a president who can restore its vigor at home and revive its image abroad. Barack Obama should be that president. Cindy

Closing Email for the day

Hi everybody. I am closing my fubar message/email for the rest of the day. I appreciate everyones messages, but I have been answering messages since noon. I am wore out and want to rate and enjoy my friends the rest of the evening. Thanks

Whats the point?

What is the point of this site anymore? The only points you get for stash, pics or blogs are for adding them. No one rates anything anymore. I don't know if its because it's harder to find new additions with the new alerts or if everyone is burned out. I am ready to leave. I have been for a while. This place couldn't get any more boring if it tried. All good things come to an end at some point. I think I have hit that point. Maybe I'll take a break for a few months.

The Meaning of Christmas

Every year in October my staff and I start the tedious process of finding the poverty stricken and homeless in our community who will not be able to have a Christmas. This is my baby, for I can't stand the thought of someone going hungry or not getting a gift on Christmas. I work hard all year to find donations to fund our project and interview people for suitable volunteers to help with the project. We buy clothing and one toy for each child, take the food needed for a Christmas dinner, and on Christmas Day we prepare a Christmas dinner for the homeless. This past Friday, 4 days before Christmas, someone turned in the names of 125 more children who would be getting nothing for Christmas. I went into a panic something I never do at work. This was Friday morning. The next two days would be Saturday and Sunday and we would not be working. Monday morning we would start loading the trucks at 6am with gifts and food. There was no way I could find the size of clothing for 125 children, buy them an outfit and a toy, have it all wrapped and ready for the truck on Monday morning. An hour after I got the news of the extra 125 children, a friend of mine called to wish me a Merry Christmas. My friend is a Priest. I told him of my problem. Chuck said, "Cindy, give me an hour and I'll get back to you. In the meantime start buying the gifts for the children. Trust me, just trust me." I had no funds left to purchase one item let alone gifts for 125. I called a staff meeting and informed them of what was going on. I have the best staff in the world. They all agreed that if we split the 125 between us we could pull it off if we shopped and wrapped during our weekend. They were determined to succeed because they know how much this project means to me. Exactly an hour later Fr. Chuck called. He had called three other churches and the four would fund the gifts. I just cried I was happy. He had also talked to the Knights of Columbus and they offered to cook and serve the Christmas Day meal to the homeless so my staff and I could spend Christmas at home with our family one year. I arrived at work at 5:30am Monday morning. My entire staff already there with the gifts beautifully wrapped for the extra 125 children. Again, my eyes welled with tears. I cried a lot that day. Deliveries started at nine. A social worker, two volunteers and Santa Claus in each vehicle. We made several stops to the homes of some very grateful people. When we came to the fifth house, the home of a little 5 year old boy, the volunteers walked in carrying the food. I followed them in and started talking to the mother and the little boy. Santa opens the door and walks in yelling "Ho, Ho, Ho". That little boy's eyes got as big saucers. He looked at Santa, then looked at his mom and said, "See Mom I told you he would come. He wouldn't forget me." Then with one big leap he was in Santa's arms. His mother started to cry as she said, "There is a God and he does have angels on earth to take care of us. Two standing in this kitchen now." If it wouldn't have been against my Code of Ethics to cry in front of a client, I would have been in tears. We got in the car to leave and as I pulled away from the house I looked in the rearview mirror and there in the back seat sat Santa wiping the tears our of his eyes. We can do very little for the poor and homeless as single people. But when we work together we can save this world. I truly believe that.

Draining Friends List

Since no one has read my last few blogs, I don't know why in the hell I'm bothering with this one. I'm draining my friends list and starting over. I don't really want to but with all these 'Joe Blows' leaving a comment here and there most of my correspondence runs off the page. Thank you all for being friends. I hope you understand but I have to keep it down around 100 now.


Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. -Aristotle Sometimes in an ordinary life something extraordinary happens - Love... Love that is so rare and special that it's a gift from heaven itself - the love of a soulmate. It will change you forever and it will always be with you. Your life will never be the same again no matter how much time has passed. Years after meeting your soulmate you will call his/her name with a longing and ache in your heart like you've never felt before. You will know what a unconditional love feels like and all the mysteries of life and the universe will be revealed to you. God himself will whisper his secrets in your ear and you will know Love. Will you follow your souls destination or will you close your heart and run away? That choice will be yours. Still, at the end, if nothing else, you will be able to say "I have loved.." After all, that's all there is... Nothing else is real. There are no questions or doubt. You will know when it happens... SOULMATES He saw her over the gulf of eternity Sitting under the great oak. Her body swathed in white chiffon and lace, Her knees up Her body cradled over the box... the box of gold.. her gift. She sat there crying, Her sobs touching every fibre of her soul. For inside the box, was her gift, of love, her soul, her desire, her need. The precious seeds of her womanhood. With love those seeds would grow, venture out of the box into the sunlight, and through their growth fill her life with color the beautiful perfume of flowers, the wonder of birds and butterflies attracted by it's beauty. But her box was grey, Covered with years of neglect, the seeds resting on bone-dry soil. Her heart in hibernation. Her tears tracing lines down her cheek. He watched her. He understood. She fell asleep. She woke to see him there The box cradled lovingly in his lap Toolbox by his side. He was a million miles away across the great gulf yet seemed to be right next to her. And she watched, as his loving hands treasured it wiped away the years brought back the wonder of the gold, made all the years of neglect disappear. Time stood still as she watched. The gold was battered, dented and scraped, marks of the pain in her life. Each mark disappeared under his loving attention, each dent pulled out each scrape buffed clean. Time, he seemed to have endless time, as he focused his love on each flaw, one by one, tears in his eyes as he understood the pain each one signified, then erasing it with his loving hands. The gentle light from his eyes, and the water from his tears, nourished her seeds, bringing life and beauty where there once was desolation. And then he was there, next to her. She lost herself in his eyes as he tenderly placed the treasure in her hands. "Take it forever!" she started to cry, but a gentle touch to her lips stifled the cry in her throat. "My love," he said, God has placed us on opposite sides of a great gulf. Only He can make that gulf disappear, and he will, in His own time. Until then, we have His work to do, each on our own side. When that work is done, He will look on us with favor, for it is He who sent me to you." He took her hands in his touched his lips to hers, and said, "But this promise I make: when you need me, summon me. I will come to your side. And every night I shall return, to wipe away every scratch, fix every flaw, that life has put on your gift of your womanhood. I will lie with you and ease your pain. And when the gulf is gone, when eternity is ours, I will place your gift in a place of honor, So the world will see, and know That I treasure you your womanhood your love your life. They will all know that you have finally received the love you deserve." And he was gone. She cried. Then a soft voice was heard from all around her and inside her... "My, child. When you thought it was a man you needed I let you choose a man. But he took your gift, and put it on a shelf To wither To die. When you thought it was a lover you needed You chose a lover Who simply used your gift as a stepping stool to reach over the walls in his life which he despised. No, it is not a man you need, for a man cannot understand your heart. And it is not a lover you need. A lover is like a firefly, lighting your life for a moment, then leaving you to deal with the darkness Until it flashes again. So I have taken it into my own hands and shown you what you truly need. He is not just a man, though a man he is. He is not just a lover, though a lover he is. He is the man I have given you forever.. He is your soulmate"
The mind thinks in eternity So if you are feeling sad, you feel you will forever feel sadness. It feels as though there is no end to the sadness. And so you fight it and struggle to break free from it rather than experience it. Same with being present. It can feel frightening to give up the mind and simply be present. It can feel as though you are giving up everything forever. But there is no eternity. There is only this moment. This very moment is an opportunity to be present. Just for this second, can you be present. Just for this second, can you allow yourself to experience what is here. To simply breathe and feel and watch. Because in just one second of being present, you are transformed. It only takes this one second to find peace. What happens beyond that is just an illusion in your mind.


Why do so many people change their status to "Naked", "Naked, bedtime" or "Going to bed naked"? Are we suppose to be turned on by that? Who gives a rats ass!!!
Yep, I'm pissed off, again! I am so sick and tired of self-centered people on this site. I have had over 100 photos ripped this week when I was not online. Not one of these people asked if they could rip the photos, or rated what they ripped, or said thanks, kiss my ass or anything else. They just rip and run. Is this the way ripping on this site is suppose to work? Like a theif coming in at the middle of the night and taking whatever they want while you asleep. The last woman who helped herself to 15 pics, without asking, rating, or saying so much as thanks was a 35 yr old Henchmen with 2423 photos! Why in the hell would she need more photos? Isn't 2423 enough? No wonder she has so many if she is going around and ripping them? How much work and effort does that take? I don't mind sharing my photos or anything else with anyone, but whatever happened to common courtesy? Whatever happened to manners? Whatever happened to respect of other people property? Have we become this much of a "ME" society that we just take what we want without regard to anyone else? My photos are now all set on No Ripping for the above reason. However, if there are any photos my family and friends would like to rip, you are more than welcome to rip them. Just send me an email and I'll shut the No Rip off while you rip them.
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