As I posted in my last blog I'm going to college for graphics design.
My 1st day was sort of a mess because I went into the wrong building but found it and my class too (just took some asking around).
My 1st class was intro to computers (that I take on tuesdays and thursdays 8:30 to 9:45) to and I thought I knew quite a bit about them but as I sat down and started listening to the professer speak about mega bytes and gigi bytes it was then I realized until you study something you really don't know as much as you think you do. The college book store forgot to give me a book I needed for the class which is "windows xp". That is the book we are going to be studying first. Then we're going to study the computer itself.
Today I sort of learned what a mega byt and gigi bye is. 1024mb= 1 gigibyte and a 128 megabyes is like 100 floppies and also equal to 50,000 oages if text,
So now I'm more familliar with the campus and hopefully I have all the books I need. So overall it was an exciting but hectic morning.
Tomarrow I have a Multimedia Design class from 8-8:50a (thats my Monday Wends, Fri class)