46 Year Old
From Savannah, GA·
Joined on December 4, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 14th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
46 Year Old
From Savannah, GA·
Joined on December 4, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 14th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I'm about 5'10 or 5'11 I live with my grandmama(sadly) My job is a houseman for a bed and breakfast place I don't know how to drive still And that's about it......................for now. >:[
You Can't Save Me!!
46 Year Old
From Savannah, GA·
Joined on December 4, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 14th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
"""""Pass to all your friends.If u get back 3 ur CUTE!6 ur LOVED! 9 ur HOT. 10 + to die for!___d88888888b_____d888888b__d88?____d88b___d88b____`88b_d8?_________d888b_________`8b_8b_________________________d8_b8__________________d8888b___d888b__d8________________d8?__d8b_d8b__`8b___8ba_____________d8?_____d8b_____`8b____`8da___________8b_______________d8______`Y8b__________d8_____________8b________`8b__________8ba_________ad8__________`88_____88__`8da_____ab8?____________8b___d8_____`Y8___8Y?_____________`b_d?________`8_8?______________`8?__________`8?_______________ ________________$$$________________$$$$$___$$$$$_____$$$_________$$__$$$___$$_$$__$$$_____$$$_______$$$$__$$______$_____$$_____$$$_____$$$$____$$$__________$$______$$____$$$$______$$$________$$___$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$______$$$__$$$$_________$$$_____$$__$$$$$$__$$$_____$$$$$$__$$$______$$$_$$$_____________$$__$$___$$$_____________$$$______$$$_$$________________$$_____$$$_____________$$$______$$$$$$$_______________________$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$_$$$_____________$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$____$$$____________$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$__________$$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$$__________$$$$___$_________$$$$_$_________$$$$_____$$$________$$$$___$____$$$$____$$$$$_$$$$$$___$$$$$_$$$$$$____$$$___________$$$$$_____$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$________
Hello there,I'm stopping by to show your page some hot loven.IF YOU SEE THIS COMMENT IT MEANS THAT I RATED YOUR PROFILE A 10 AND BECAME YOUR FAN.So Please stop by and return the love,that will be very sweet,also feel free to add me if ya like.۞WÌLÐÇÄŦ۞® ÖWÑÈR ÖҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ.ŦRÄÌÑ,RÄÐÌÖ Ñ LÖÚÑGÈ۞ @ fubarCheck my skins,blogs,lounge and Train http://fubar.com/blog/64615/627256http://fubar.com/blog/64615/627262If you like to join my train read the fair on the post and if you like to join my lounge you can click on the banner below to go and subscribe Have an amazing Day!Thank you for all the love.Hugs & kisses. WildCat
Hi my name is Sassers and I am the Co-founder for the Fire and Ice Leveling Crew.You are very close to fitting our criteria for our crew to be leveled. If you are interested please read the criteria below.1. You must be 20,000 or less to go onto the next level.2. You must have plenty of stash and pics for us to rate.3. We only level during Happy Hour. And we would love for you to be online to help us get you to the next level but it is not necessary.4. You are not required to rate all those that rate you with our logo, but it would be nice .. not all of our pics and stash just some.:)5. It's a win- win situation for all involved. We level you and ask not a lot in return but the above.6. If you agree to the above and when you have 20,000 or less to go please click on the link below and leave a comment that you understand and want to be leveled. We will then place you on the leveling blog.We hope to be hearing from you soon :) Fire&IceCrew @ fubar