61 Year Old
From Phoenix, AZ·
Invited by: MetalHulaGirl77·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 1st
I was born in Hawaii, Metalhula girl77 and NeaNea77 are my sisters. I have three teenage sons and work fulltime as a grocery stocker at frys, so I have no prob hanggin' with the best. I am single, (divorced for about 3yrs.) I like to shoot pool, play darts and beer pong rocks(my sons taught me)!! Now that I've been here awhile I'm finding that, not all the straight up are straight up. Drama seems to run high and talk is just that, LOL. Anyway I wear my heart on my sleeve, as some of you found and my heart is way softer than I'd like to admit. So if your just head gaming or lookin' to break hearts, just pass me by please! Don't get me wrong I like to play, but when you tell me something, I take it to heart. no chain yanking please! be straight up, Cause "Big Girls" don't cry. And I'm definately a woman of my word. If you've read this far... Right on, maybe you do want to get to know me, so send me some love and give me a shout. We Hawaiians'always say... A Hui Ho! (English: Until We Meet Again!).
61 Year Old
From Phoenix, AZ·
Invited by: MetalHulaGirl77·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 1st