Today, I thought I would talk about something that is important to all chicks and especially chunky chicks. For those of you who may know me or those of you who may read this blog, it is no secret that I am a big girl. What I find a lot of times, is that even the ones that are extraordinarily beautiful don't realize their own beauty. To make matters worse, it seems like too many other people with preconceived ideas of what should be beautiful don't realize the beauty that big girls possess. For many years now, we have been told that if you are not thin, you are not in. Smaller is best. Well I just say that I don't believe that one bit. I've seen many beautiful women who were not at all thin. Being a big girl often comes with low self-esteem and many stereotypes. Women think they are not pretty. They feel like they are not attractive enough to get a man to be interested in them. They think that something must be wrong with them if the guys don't look at them the same way they look at their thinner friends. The big girl is thinking to herself, what the hell has she got that I ain't got? It's like two girls in a bar. One skinny and one not skinny at all. The skinny girl gets picked up and hit on while the big girl gets no attention even though the two of them came to the bar together and the two of them are best friends. Now, why the hell is that? What if the big girl was the better woman? What if the big girl had more to offer a guy than the skinny girl did? What if the skinny girl is nothing but a hoe and the big girl was the nice decent girl?
Being a big girl doesn't, in any way; mean that you are not beautiful. By the same token, being really skinny doesn't make you beautiful. Being a big girl doesn't mean that you cannot be beautiful. In addition to that, being beautiful doesn't make you a good woman. Good character is what makes you beautiful. A pleasant personality makes you beautiful. Sweetness is beauty. Your ability to get along with others and form lasting friendships makes you beautiful. Even shyness and being able to be affectionate, can be especially beautiful. If you have all of these things, you are a beautiful woman. That's the bottom line. Looks don't make you beautiful. You can be the best looking girl in town and still be ugly on the inside where it really counts. Because who wants to live with an awesomely beautiful chick who has a rotten personality. Being like totally beautiful has its own drawbacks. Most of the time, if a girl is like, totally beautiful, the guys she meets are only thinking of one thing and one thing only. They are thinking about how quickly they can get your panties off and your legs open. No girl wants to be treated like that. In the case of big girls, their biggest problem is that guys spend more time looking at their titts than they do looking into their eyes. They seem to have some kind of preconceived notion that big girls are easy when they aren't any easier than any other type of girl. That, in my opinion is degrading to all women not just big women.
On the other hand, a girl who may not be blessed with society's idea of good looks; might have a wonderful personality and be very very sweet and affectionate. A girl like this is more likely to get guys to pay attention to who she is and what she is all about, rather than having to worry about them wondering how long it will take them to get into her panties. A good lesson for guys to learn, to have and keep a really good woman, you need to get her to open her heart and her mind before you start trying to get her to open her legs. Every girl has the same thing in her panties but their hearts and minds are what make each girl truly special. It isn't her ability to spread her legs and have sex that makes her special. It is her ability to love and be loved, to be affectionate, to be sweet, honest, loyal and faithful that makes her a good woman.
I know that it is easy to believe something when it has been told to you over and over again all of your life. And the things that big girls are told are that because they are chunky, they aren't pretty. It's the jokes, the looks, the cracks other people make behind your back, the constant reminders every day that you are somehow different and the things you know that people are thinking but would never say to your face. I am here to say that it is their ignorance that makes them say those things and act the way they do. It is girls that are the hardest on other girls. The guys play a big part too but girls, by nature, are very competitive with, and jealous of, each other. Chicks can be down right brutal to each other. It seems to be especially prevalent in certain situations in which men are involved.
There are way too many mean people in the world. For whatever reason, some people have nothing better to do with their miserable lives than to go around hurting other people. It isn't any different for the people who make fun of chicks for things they have no control over. No girl in the world says to herself when she is growing up, "when I grow up, I want to weigh 275 pounds, endure all the jokes and looks from people and be ashamed of how I look and be depressed because I think I'm not pretty". If you are told the same thing over and over, you will begin to believe it. Even the most aggressive dog can be beaten into submission.
What I am trying to say here is to tell you that no matter what people say about you, you are pretty. You have the same rights as every one else to look and feel pretty. You have the same right as every one else to wear those pretty or sexy clothes and feel good about doing it. Each woman is unique and special in her own way. No two chicks are a like. You have to be you because you can't be somebody else and you have to be proud of who and what you are. If you feel pretty and confident, other people will notice and you will get more attention paid to you. Every girl deserves love, affection and attention. So go on honey, take what is rightfully yours! Hold your head up high and say to yourself, I am proud to be a big girl and I am proud of who and what I am. If other people don't like it, that's their freaking problem and not yours! There is somebody out there that would be honored to have you as their friend or their girlfriend or their wife. There is some one out there who wantsto know who the real you is so show them! Don't be afraid of other people's opinions!