Video Games
okay first thing is first if u don't know me don't judge me. okay now that, that is out of the way

if u want to talk to me hit me up i'm very smart, funny, and i love to talk to new ppl. anyway if u wanna know something just ask. i'll try to answer the question. ummmm lets see ..... how the hell do ppl fill this thing up

i just moved back 2 germany the states was feeling a little bit 2 claustrophobic for me i love europe it is awsome it can get a little cold but the partying here is like no where else on the planet. hmmmm what else should i say? oh YEAH I'M A SOLDIER, YES I just got back from a deployment. THANK U FOR SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS, AND ME. that is all u need to know bout that, don't harrass ppl i mean it is just fubar. fubar is a game like anything else u talk to ppl and they show u love that is it u can meet some really really nice ppl on here though so don't think everyone on here is pervs.... well actually most ppl on here are but there are a few that aren't. i love my friends and my fufamily show respect to them and they will usually return the favor
alright thanx for actually reading this i might add to it again later so keep checking back u neva know what u will find

oh and for ur listening enjoyment some groovy... i mean pretty nifty... i mean .... forget it here are some tunes

i hope 2 talk 2 u all later hit me up and lets see whats up