The Starfish I awoke early, as I often did, just before sunrise, to walk by the ocean's edge and greet the new day. As I moved through the morning dawn, I focused on a faint, far away motion. I saw a youth, bending and reaching and flailing arms, dancing on the beach, no doubt in celebration of the perfect day soon to begin. As I approached, I realized that the youth was not dancing to the bay, but rather bending to sift through the debris left by the night's tide, stopping now and then to pick up starfish and then standing, to heave it back into the sea. I asked the youth the purpose of the effort."The tide has washed the starfish onto the beach and they cannot return to the sea by themselves," the youth replied."When the sun rises, they will die, unless I throw them back into the sea." As the youth explained, I surveyed the vast expanse of beach, stretching in both directions beyond eyesight. Starfish littered the shore in numbers beyond calculation. The hopelessness of the youth's plan became clear to me and I countered,"But there are more starfish on this beach than you can ever save before the sun is up. Surely you cannot expect to make a difference." The youth paused briefly to consider my words, bent to pick up a starfish and threw it as far as possible. Turning to me he simply said, "I made a difference to that ONE."Have A Great DayHugsssssDon
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member is Online January 13, 2008 @ 7:29 amLove starts with a SMILE, grows with a KISS, and ends with a TEAR. DON'T cry over someonewho won't cry over you. Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible toforget. You can only go as far as you push. ACTIONS speak louder than words. The HARDESTthing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else .DON'T let the past hold you back,your missing the good stuff. LIFE'S SHORt. If you dont look around once in a while youmight miss it. A BEST FRIEND is life a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE.Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it. BEST FRIENDS are the siblings Godforgot to give us.When it HURTS to look bac, and your're SCARED to look ahead, you canlook beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.TRUE FRIENDSHIP"NEVER ENDS".Friends are FOREVER.Good friends are like STARS You dont always see them, but you knowthey are ALWAYS THERE. DON'T frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person whomade you cry? Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. Everything is okay in the end.If its not okay, then its not the end. Most people walk in and out of your life, but onlyFRIENDS leave footprints in your heart. Send this to all the people that are your friendincluding the person that sent this to you. If you get five back that makes you a true FRIEND...!HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY MY FRIEND **HUGS**
Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!