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Not Again

mid 80's She couldn't believe it she'd done it again she'd pushed him away. She had to after all things just weren't going right they never did for her.She'd been on this god forsaken world for what seemed like an enternity. She wasn't human she would never be human what she was she never could explain she never grew old she never changed she looked the same as she did the day she turned 30 and that was over 100 years ago. She sat in complete silence along with the others like her they were always moving they never stayed in one spot how could they sooner or later people would notice they were different.Nymph went to sit next to her wanting to cheer her friend up but knew she couldn't Nina always took it very hard when she had to let go. As they reached a rest area they all got off. Nina went of to the side to be alone and then she thought long and hard what she was about to do she went back in the RV grabbed her bag and walked to what look like some college kids who seemed to be heading back where she was coming from. She jumped in with them and got off in the next town they passed through. As her cellphone rang she answered,"Where are you? Everyone here are going nuts looking for you." She took a deep breath and said,"Im running I'm making a break for it I'm gonna try to live a normal life." She went back to the town she left and to the guy she was leaving behind. They tried to live a somewhat normal life. She let him know about her difference. They made the best of it but it was starting to show the difference. He was starting to look older then her. Nina and Vincent owened a nice rocker bar. Everything seemed to be going normal. That is until Nina's past came back to haunt her. The bar seemed different as she got closer she could feel that creepy feeling she got everytime the moon was full. As she walked in the bar she shouted and ran to Vincent's lifeless body. His throat and been ripped out and he had been badly beaten before that had been done. She sobbed and cried and then in the darkenss a small familar voice spoke,"I told you Nina they will find you." Nina stood up and looked at Nymph you have know idea whats just happened. Nymph looked at Nina then she called her over and showed what Nymph did not expect at all. This was no ordinary human this human belonged to the LunaTics. It was the orphan child that they had raised that had made thier blackhearts bleed. Nymph now understood they're was gonna be a war and hell would come to earth.

Leaving The Darkness

She had disobeyed everyone. She had done everything in her power to leave the world of the undead.Monroe could no longer stand it there she was chained in the dungeon of darkness.She was bleeding and battered but it didn't matter she would join the world of the living once again. Oblina had had it with this little one though she was young she was stupid. As the dungeon door open she found Monroe had still not broken yet.The chains were once again raised.Monroe was lifted off the floor her arms were sore and felt as though they would come out of there sockets. Oblina smiled at her and wondered when she would break. As she stood there came the one they called Gar. With him he brought the crucifxes that would be embeded in her hands. They glowed the fiery red of a branding iron.Monroe stood he ground she feared nothing.She herself had face the grim reaper so she was not afraid. Before the deed was done Oblina gave her one more time for her to break. Monroe said nothing as she was whipped once again. The whip tore into her skin she bled the black blood she was given for immortality. She cared not though she wished she had never choosen the life of a dark angel. Take her down said oblina. Monroe fell to the floor she was dragged from the dungeon to the wooden table of torture. There they place her hands as the crucifixes were heated once again. Then and only then did you hear the screams of Monroe as she was branded with the crucifixes.As soon as this was done her hands were sliced open from her wrists.The crosses placed into the palms of her hands. They shoved in between the muscle and bone of her hands.Monroe screamed in such agony.She was then dragged out into the cemetary where the others waited.She was beaten,blugeoned and tortured on he way out of the world of the undead. Thrown passed the gates she fell to the ground looked up and saw the gates slam behind her. She lay there in a heap of broken bones. Then she felt the wetness of the rain on her face. Slowing she raised her self off the ground and she watched the others peek from behind the gates. From this moment on she knew she was fair game.She no longer had the protection from queen of the dead. In the world of the living creatures like her were a dime a dozen and the bounty for there heads was great. Would she get her soul back before she became part of the dead again only to be sent to hell this time.

Back from the dead

Two dark limos and an suv arrive a the home of Josephine. Not aware of what is about to happen she and her husband sleep soundly. Her sister is in the baby's room. Her Best friends are in the kitchen not aware of anything then it happens. Gun fire galore. Her friends duck in the kitchen Lisa grabs the baby and hides in the closet. Her friends make a run to there bedrooms to get the arsenal of weapons. Too late they get caught running up the stairs. Suddenly a group of thugs barge into Josephines room grab her and Christian. Lisa hides trying to quiet the baby. They get dragged down stairs. Two bouncer looking men have Christin on his knees he's bleeding from the mouth. Some tough looking girl holds Josephine. The woman looks a little crazed. Then walks in another woman with a long black coat. There is something familar about her. The woman gets close to Josephine. Josephine is shocked. There standing before her is a woman who should be dead. The woman takes off her dark mirror shades her face is a mess of scars and blind eye. She smiles and speaks,"What's a matter never seen the dead walk." She squeezes Josephines face. She turns to Christian and smiles before she speaks again."I never thought my brother would get involved with my nemisis." She then hears the baby cry. She lets go of Josephine. She turns to up the steps.Josephine shouts,"no leave him alone!" The woman turns to her and smiles again. She then walks up to Christian as he kneels on the floor."Fine." She says. She pulls out some brass knuckles and puts them on."You want me to leave the baby alone then i guess its Christian." She begins pounding on Christian face. Josephine is screaming by this time Lisa is hiding in a corner witnessing everything.She wants to cry for her sister but can't. The babys cry is heard more loudly now then before. The woman stops the assault on Christian he falls to the ground a bloody mess. She sends some other thugs and another woman who looks like some gothic rockstar to go check it out. Lisa takes a chance and goes out the back staircase.The thugs and woman see her make her run for it. She's running across the lawn the men plan to shoot but before they can the gothic woman shoots them.Lisa freezes in her tracks she turns around. The woman walks up to her and grabs her she say,"Follow me you'll be safe." She drags her off with the baby. The woman hears the gun shots and waits nothing."That bitch!!" screams the woman. She turns to them finish them and go after them. Gunfire is heard when Lisa and the Gothic woman reach there destination. There is a helicopter waiting she puts the baby and Lisa one it. Gunfire is heard again the Gothic woman turns and shoots the thugs down along with the crazed woman.They take off in the chopper. The scared woman goes outside. Turns to some more thugs she had waiting out side."Burn the place down blow it to bits and I want that baby!" They do what there told Lisa can see the explosion from where there at. She sits quietly and cries to herself and wonders what will become of her and the baby.

there no such thing

Lily and Sarah argued as they walked into there new home."Look I know what I saw outside."said Lily. "There is now such thing... said Sarah. As soon as she said this there came a crash through one of the library windows. The beast went straight for Sarah. Sarah fought best as she could to keep it from ripping her throat out.The beast got a hold of her arm. You could hear the cracking of the bones as Sarah shouted for help. Lily ran to the fire place and got a fire poker and begin to hit the beast with it. Suddenly a girl with blood red hair came in. With a shotgun blast she shot the animal. It let go of Sarah and ran out the same way it came in. The girl with the gun followed the beast out the window. When it entered the woods the girl stood there and watched carefully as she watched a pack of eyes watching here. She turned around and went back to the house. Lily was tending to Sarah. The girl close the heavy wooden shutters of the windows. She began a lock down in the library. The girl stopped for moment to check Sarah."This is not good." she said."Who are you?" asked Lily. She smiled,"I'm Phoenix. I'm family somewhat. Look as long as we can last till the full moon is over will be fine." "You said this isn't good."Sarah points to her arm."NO it's not you do know what happens when a werewolf bites you don't you?" Sarah sits quietly before saying,"You've got to be shitin' me." Phoenix,"I wish I was. Look all we have to do is teach you how to handle it and you'll be fine." "Excuse me says Sarah,Are you telling me that I'm gonna be a werewolf." Phoenix nods and Sarah turns to Lily and gives her the she's crazy look. "I know you think I'm crazy. But it is going to happen the thing is we just have to keep you from the pack and not let you be like they are." "What are they exactly." asks Lily. "They're our rival pack they are the ones who choose to live like animals. Unlike our grandfather we choose to live with the curse and be human somewhat." "You're telling me our grandfather was a werewolf." "Yes why do you think he was so distant from us. If we were born human he would send us away to live normal lives. Unfortantely the human bloodline is diminishing. The rival pack wants this place but we're not giving it up are we." Phoenix turns to both girls for and okay. They nod."Okay now what I did right now should show them we aren't giving up without a fight as for you."She points to Sarah."We have to see if we can get this taken care of or you gonna have to learn to live with the curse." Phoenix was not happy she should of come sooner. Sarah would of been fine but she was so angry when there grandfather had left the property to the human relatives. Now she had to worry about Sarah joining the rival pack. After all she was cursed by the rival pack and not by there family curse.


A group of young twenty somethings find themselves on a road trip down a lonely road with a new friend. A group of other vehicles follow the black truck. "So how far is this place?",asks Stephanie. A girl with dark hair turns to speak to her."As soon as we get to the small store out in the middle of nowhere. From there it'll take another hour and a half.It's an old town that never got started. It was once called Sangeria but since it was so far from the much larger towns it was abandoned. It's now just a piece of land with an old abandoned house on the property." The driver of the truck then speaks,"It was lucky we found you at the beach. We probably never would of found a place to party without the law being a bitch with us." "I can't believe how strict they've gotten no booze no fun. I mean that's why people go to spring break for, TO PARTY!"says Anna. The driver speaks again,"So Edee are you sure it's okay for use to be there. I mean it's not trespassing or anything. Is it?" "No David it's not. Especially when I have the key to the gate."says Edee. Stephanie leans in ,"There's a gate?" "Yes, it became a ranch with the same name for a bit then once again it was abandoned. It's been passed from generation to generation in my family now it's mine. So you all are welcomed to it." As they conversation goes on Edee notices the store she asks David to pull over so they can get some party supplies. As the walk in Edee smiles at the clerk she knows him well.She gives him an all to familiar glance and nods. The clerk begins to make small talk with the others as Edee walks around the small store. She hears bits and pieces of the conversation. As everyone walks back out to the vehicles parked out side she stands at the counter to make her purchase. The Clerk speaks,"These one's are a little younger then the last you brought." Edee turns to look out the door then she looks at him places her money on the counter without saying a word. They arrive at Sangeria Edee gets down to open the gate and waves the cars in one by one she watches as they drive in she turns to look at the sunset. She catches a ride on the bed of the truck that is last to enter. She stares at the gate and thinks no way out. Cars and trucks make a circle in the center a huge bonfire is place many start to drink and have a good time. Then from out of nowhere a howl is heard. Edee takes a drink of the last bit of beer she has. She begins to walk in the dark towards the old house.Once again more howls are heard. Louder and closer she keeps walking then she stops when she hears the first scream. She looks down then up again and turns toward the sounds. She listens to all the chaos for a moment. She slowly turns around an begins to walk towards the house she'll wait it out like she always does. Suddenly she hears howl and screams closer as she gets to the porch. She turns to see Stephanie, Anna and David running towards her. Impossible she thinks."Do you have the key to the house we got to get in they're coming Edee",screams Anna. As if in slow motion Edee gets the key to the house and opens it as the others rush in pushing her in along with them. The howling is heard out side then the voices."Where can they be? They couldn't of gone far.",says one. "Maybe there in the house?",asks another. "Impossible the feeder is in there she only brings us the meat not protect it." In a panic they begin to discuss a way to get out Edee sits there and watches them without saying a word. Then Edee turns to them."They're gone we need to see if we can make a run towards the truck and get out of here I have the key to the gate." They follow her lead they get to where the bonfire is nothing but a gruesome sight greats them. The mutilation of bodies. The werewolves had had there feast and now these three had gotten away. They get to the truck and get in David drives like a bad out of hell till they get to the gate. Edee gets the gate open and waves the truck out. "What are you doing!" yells Stephanie."If I lock the gate maybe they won't follow?" She closes the gate and gets back in the truck. They drive what seems for hours and make it to the store by dawn. As they arrive the clerk is opening the store. They get off all terrified.They try to get there breath outside the store. Edee follows the clerk in. There are others in the store already. "I see you found the ones that got away."says the clerk. "Not for long." says Edee. She turns to the others as they walk towards the door. The clerk puts his hand on her shoulder."It's best you stay inside this could get messy."says the clerk. Edee sits on the counter again the howling and screams are heard. A bloody body is thrown onto the glass door she grimaces for awhile.The clerk walks in in werewolf form. Looks at her and says,"You best get going before you know it the full moon will be here again." Edee walks out of the store it's as though nothing has happened she looks in the truck. She sees damage to the the seats and thinks what a waste. She turns the truck on and remembers what her mother said,"As long as you feed them and keep them from the modern world they will never harm the ones you love."
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