So I have recently discovered a few things about myself that I hadn't realized before. For giggles though, here are some things about me that you may or may not already know, depending on how good of friends we are. I've always been seen as the "good" girl. I always try my best and work hard. I want great things in life and I know that I may have to go to great lengths to get these things. I try to see the good in people even when others do not. I may act dumb sometimes, but I get it honestly ( When does the ATM close?). I know there are people who don't like me or think I am conceited, but they don't even know me. I have learned to deal with this bc it really isn't my problem. Some people say I'm stuck up bc I don't go out of my way to talk to them, well hey that's not really my fault either. I like to drive in my car sometimes with my music just a little too loud (Paul.."Tarah you don't have subs in here.") I'm a Republican and its not only because my parents are. I love to watch Friends and That 70's Show, but I also love to watch Sportscenter. And yes, believe it or not, I am capable of replaying the entire Bengals game and can give my opinion as to what they could have done to be better. I've made my fair share of mistakes and I'm sure I will make a few more in my lifetime. The important thing is I've tried to learn from my mistakes. I don't regret anything but there are a few things I wish I could change or go back and do differently. I've broken hearts and had my heart broken. Its all a part of this game of life. I want a boyfriend to be proud to have me at his side and to tell his friends, "Yep, thats her." I can cook and I hope I'm going to make a great wife one day. I want a family of my own. I want to be remembered for something great. I like country music and rap. Think thats wierd? Well thats ok. When I love someone, I love with all my heart. I've realized that sometimes things just don't work out. No matter how bad you want things to change, sometimes they just don't. I love to sit out on my front porch during thunderstorms and just sit there on the swing wrapped up in a blanket. I know things aren't always perfect and sometimes you just have to work with what you got. Life isn't supposed to be easy. I love my parents. I'm a daddy's girl. That's just how things worked out. I'm content with who I am at this point in time. I know that people change, but who's to say its always for the worse? I've got a great group of friends who value me and what I have to say just as much as I value them and what they have to say. I don't judge people until they hurt me. Then it's tough for me not to judge them. Some say thats a character flaw of mine, but I'm working on it. I love to laugh and be with my family. I love that feeling when I'm about to fall asleep and the one person I want to call finally does and we talk for hours. Some may call me a people pleaser but I hate letting people down. I've always been taught that money really is no object when it comes to the ones you love. I could get my dad the most expensive thing in the entire mall, but I know he would be just as happy with something homemade. I love to laugh, and sometimes its at myself. I could watch The Notebook everyday for the rest of my life, as well as Mean Girls and Legends of the Fall. I'm so scared I'm not going to find someone who loves me as much as I love them. But I can't live my life being scared of that. What's meant to be will be. I'm looking forward to the future, but I'm going to miss the past. So I'm just going to live in the present...
<3 Tarah