If I could build a mountainYou could call your very own;A place to find serenity,A place to be alone.If I could take your troublesI would toss them in the sea,But all these things I'm findingAre impossible for me.I cannot build a mountainOr catch a rainbow fair,But let me be what I know best,A friend who's always there.This is a Hug Certificate!Send One to All Your Friends You Think Deserve AHug (Which, Hopefully Includes the Person WhoSent It to You).You might send it to your enemies as well! It'll really tic 'em off!If you don't receive this back .. Nobody likes you, and they wish you'dstop bugging them.If you receive this back 1 time ... Open up! Find more friends, enemies, orenemies pretending to be friends .If you receive this back 2 times ... You're off to a good start . Unlessyou sent it to yourself. that's cheating!*If you receive this back 3 times. You're a good friendIf you receive this back 4 times ..... You are popularIf you receive this back 5 times or more. There are Angels watching over you
Hey There...Great Profile stopped by and left you a Profile Rate...if you have time and dont mind stop by and do the same Please....Hope you have a Wonderful Day!!!!
I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, big boobs, round booty, long legs, sexy lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a whore, and be one as well... nobody can measure up to that... and its not fair... because nobody should have to. The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting. So guys, stop making girls have to live up to your, I'm sorry, our... deluded fantasy visions of perfection. Stop acting like boys and start being men... realize that women don't exist to fufill our sexual desires. Stop talking to them solely to get with them, be nice to them because you want to be their friend, not because you want to hook up with them. Say nice things about them not to flatter them in hopes that you'll get some, but because you know they like to hear them. In short... we need to grow up and stop acting like freakin retarded little boys!