They say it takes a minute to find a special person,an hour to appreciate them,a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.
I read this quote earlier in the evening... could it be true... I am not one to fall in love often, in fact I can only think of one time my entire life that I have been in love... but it seems that when I do I fall hard and fast... is this wrong of me... Is it wrong of me to fall so fast...I must work this out so bare with me... I have met someone pretty damn incredible... wow... I spoke with him on the phone for three hours tonight and I was sad to say goodnight... we agreed, that we are on the same level... we have the same types of thoughts, we think about the same things, and the funny thing is they arent normal thoughts... they are the type of thoughts that really do make sense, but most people just dont understand... the things that keep me awake at night are on his mind also... and we can pretty much complete each others sentences... its odd, almost as if our thoughts are one in the same. I know he will read this, so I am almost tempted to hold back for fear that it will scare him, but I choose not to, because i know he wants to know what I am thinking... and it wouldnt be fair of me to hold back... I feel like this thing has some AMAZING potential... if I choose not to run scared like I have so many other times... ya know what I think... I think that there is one person out there for everybody, If we are lucky enough to find that person we must grasp ahold of them tightly and not let go, because we will regret it in the long run... I know circumstances may not be ideal, but should that stop you NO its shouldnt!!! I am not going to let my thoughts get in the way with this one... I feel like he is the other half of my brain... its like we are the same damn person...its wierd I know... now I can not say its love cause its not... love to me means being willing to jump in front of a bus to save the other means sacrificing yourself... but I feel a strong affection to him for we are kindred spirits... I feel a strong urge to want to try things out with him and see where they may go... I am fascinated with him and the person that he is... I crave a chance to speak with him again if only to learn more... Its some what heart tearing knowing that this is happening so quickly and without invitation... but many good things come when you least expect them... the thing that scares me the most is he just got of a long relationship, and I dont want to be the rebound girl... I am looking for something that will last forever... and I think this has that potential... the question is will it... I dont know only time will tell, but I guess my point is I have to give it a shot... If he is willing... cause at this juncture I am more than willing to at least give it a shot... cause I think I would regret it if i didnt... I have never felt high from a phone conversation, but that is exactly how I felt after talking to him... stunned silent... and all my friends know, I am not the silent type... I am loud and I am boisterous and I say exactly what I am thinking... ha ha... but anyways, I really was stunned silent at the end of the conversation... I felt like I was on a really good high... I dont think I blinked for a good hour ha ha... I think I am going to go on vacation with him ha ha... but only time will tell... Now all i have to do is meet him LMAO anyway all goodnight and pleasant dreams I will be here for more bullshit later ha ha