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Finding Meaning In Flames

Candle Rituals Most people unknowingly perform their first candle ritual at a very young age, on their first or second birthday they are able to make a sincere wish as they blow out the candles on their birthday cake. Since ancient times, candles have held a place in the ceremonies and rituals of innumerable cultures. Candlelight not only illuminates, but transforms the atmosphere. It can make a setting mysterious or meditative, invoke inward reflection, or mesmerize. The flickering flame of a candle can inspire focus, helping us concentrate on our hopes and dreams and snuffing out a candle can be a significant act. Because of this, the variety of candle rituals performed today are both the result of thousands of years of tradition as well as the innovation of many souls. It is just as appropriate to invent your own rituals as it is to borrow those used by others. Candles, both those assigned special meaning and the simple white variety, can be used in rituals of healing, gathering, wishing, or any type of ritual your mind can conceive. The ritual may be easy or as complicated as you want. A good beginning point is choosing a candle of an appropriate color. Many people believe that white candles bring truth, green money, pink love, purple ambition, orange attraction, and red strength, but you may choose any color that you find meaningful. A simple wishing ritual is similar to the birthday ritual: light your candle and spend some time concentrating both on its flame and what you desire. Look into the flame and visualize the end result until you believe in its truth. Then gratefully and gently extinguish the flame. A longer ritual involves anointing the candle with oil and making seven notches in the wax. Place the candle in a sturdy holder and light it. Concentrate on a goal, a desire, or a truth as the candle burns down one notch. Do this every night until the candle has burned out. You can also invent new rituals for yourself with a little creativity. Candle rituals have been used by cultures as diverse as the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Celtic peoples for a variety of purposes. You may feel that in performing your candle ritual you are able to connect with the ancient, slow, and wise rhythms of the past or that you are carving a new path into the future. Either way, each candle you burn will fuel your inner fire and help you discover what is possible.

Candleburning Divination

HOW THE CANDLE BURNS * When you first light the candle, if it emits black smoke it is a sign that it is beginning to remove negative energy from your desire. * When the smoke is white, then your prayer will be answered, but there may be some struggles to obtain your desire. * A strong flame is a good indication. The candle is working by sending out a lot of power and energy to bring about a manifestation of your prayer. This is a sign that the candle is working rapidly. * A weak or low flame indicates that the candle is working very slowly to remove an obstacle or to bring in a positive vibration to your prayer or spell. You are facing some heavy opposition to having the request granted. It is an indication that you will have to pray a little longer time before your desire is granted. * A jumping flame can indicate spiritual warfare on your behalf. A lot of raw energy and power is working. If the candle is a war candle, then the person whose name is attached to the candle is fighting. * If the smoke wafts toward you, the your prayer is acknowledged. * If the smoke blows in the direction away from you, it is a definite sign that you still need perseverance in order to obtain your desire. * If the smoke turns toward your right, then you will need to use a bit of patience, success will come through using your head. * Again if the smoke turns toward you, success will come quickly in granting the prayer. * If the smoke blows toward your left, then you are becoming too emotionally involved with the situation you are praying for and in danger of subconsciously sabotaging your won prayer so that it will not be answered. * At time you will hear crackling sounds as the candles are burning. This is take to indicate that the spirit is pleading your case on your behalf. The stronger the crackling sound, the stronger the opposition is against you. * If the glass breaks, it can indicate, depending on the situation, that someone is working against you because the pressure is on. On the other hand, if the work you are doing is an uncrossing or jinx removing and the glass breaks, then the evil that is against you is broken.

Candle Magick

In dealing with Candle Magick, it is first and foremost best to learn about candles and their ways so you can better understand just what the heck you are doing. No two candles act the same way, no matter how or who made them or what they are made of. It is the personal act of our desires and our own will that gives it life and we are able to perceive its ways. This will be an attempt to provide some insight on the candle itself and the ways in which the candle speaks. The candle is made up of different elements and different parts which represent different things. The candle itself contains the element of water, air and earth. When lit, the elements of fire and the spirit are employed. So a lit candle is then a full blown item incorporating all of the elements and thus rendering it again, an extremely effective magickal tool. Down throughtout history, you will find many references to the use of candles in many of our modern day activities. Fire was the ultimate tool used for banishing, cleansing, destruction and worship, life and death. Such a simple thing as an act of lighting a candle to hold within itself such power. The body of the candle consists of the elements of water, air and earth. Made from a variety of ingredients from tallow to beeswax, it can include herbs, scents or even gems or stones. The body consists of the top half which starts at the wick and down to the center. The bottom half is from the base up to the center. The Body The shape of the burned wax when left to flow on its own can also be very revealing. Never realized that before huh? Check back and see if the candle left you a message in the shape of the burned wax. You will have to take into consideration your own circumstances and situation, but not only will it tell you while it's lit, it just might give you a "PS" along with it. Remember that each candle is different as our own personal wish. Use your journal and learn the different ways in which it will speak to you. An example, if your desire is to draw a new love, you might get a very soft or muted pop or snap sound. This is the candle whispering your thoughts and desires for the forces to take hold. If however, you are hiding something, holding something back or in some way have a negative thought towards this, you might hear some strong snaps, cracks and popping. If it is in between, not quite so soft and not quite so loud, it may be telling you something. Still you mind and let it speak to you. You may be surprised if you don't all of a sudden have a new idea or suddenly learn that everything will be okay and a peaceful feeling comes over you. Learn to listen to your candle. In performing candle magick, this is a part of the steps when dedicating your candle. In this process, you are adding the necessary element of your will, or desire. The wick represents the human potential. A candle needs a wick to be lit, a wick needs a human to light it. When lit, we are sending off our human desires in hopes of manifestation. The noises you hear from the burning candle or the was shapes it leaves can help you in communicating with your candle, speaking or acknowledgment of your wish. The candle speaking happens especially in times when figure candles are used, such as Male or Female, Skull, Cat or any other number of symbolic figures you may use to enhance your will or desire. The Flame The flame or halo of the candle is the life of the fire itself. Upon lighting the wick, we have now included the elements of Fire and Spirit along with the human will into the candle. It can speak to us if we are watchful and aware. We can learn of its ways of acknowledging our wishes. It casts a halo or aura outside of itself and is usually regarded as the state of the highest potential of Spirit. The resultant smoke is what carries our prayers and wishes out to the forces, thus creating our simple act of magick. Watching the actions of the flame, you will also see the candle speaking. Again, no two candles are going to react the same way. Use your head and think about what it is you have asked of the candle and apply it to the actions. Write all of this down in your jounal, the first few times you try this. You will soon learn automatically to see and hear the candle. Each tiny movement of the flame will tell us something. This is the life of the element of Fire and it has the ability to communicate with us, if we are only willing to see and hear. A STRONG tall flame will tell us that the energies we are using are indeed inherent in the candle and it is empowered by our desire or will. This is an excellent sign of acknowledgement by the candle. A LEAPING or jumping flame can indicate indecisiveness is along for the ride, make sure you are clear before you begin. It can also indicate instability in emotions or actions or the problem/need needs to be worked on. A WEAK or small flame may mean there are just too many negative energies at this time and you may have to repeat the process again at a later time. It could also indicate a communicationproble m, a smother of emotion, be it in yourself or the other. Direction - Elements The direction also of the smoke of the flame can tell us alot. Know the elements and their directions for correct interpretation of this. NORTH - if the smoke goes to the north with the element of earth, it can indicate that true manifestation will be revealed, a physcial happening is occurring. Physical labor can be indicated or a need for stability. If it concerns a health question, you may want a second opinion or be cautious and pay more attention to your health or even that a check up is indicated. If it is about finances, be sure your checkbook is in order, make sure you are not allowing frivolous spending habits destroy your savings and make sure you have balanced the checkbook within the last month. SOUTH - a south direction to your flame is the direction of the element of fire. This is an excellent sign. If it concerns health, a recovery will be imminent. If it concerns love, a passionate love affair is on its way shortly. If it concerns the home, you will find new ideas and the energy to expedite these. If the concern is work, success is on the way. You must be careful with this. As it all sounds wonderful, you must remember, fire can burn if you get too close, so keep your head on your shoulders through this whirlwind and you should be fine. EAST - If the flame goes east, the element of air is involved and there will be some mental as opposed to physical labor involved. It is telling you to sit and follow your head in this situation. Practice logic and patience, think before you speak. A waiting period, no rash decisions! If applied correctly, success will be yours. WEST - A west following flame, the element of water, you have emotions literally flooding everywhere. It could indicate a period of intense emotions in whatever you desire. A warning of excess could be indicated. You could be too close to the situation and need to back off for a while. Or it could indicate that you need to clarify this thing more. Ground yourself, clear off the emotional aspect of it and look more toward the thinking part. Conclusion You must remember the desire when interpreting these signs and apply them to the situation. Sometimes you may not get what you want to hear or see. Learn to incorporate all of the signs you are given. Separate them when searching them out and then learn how they all interact together. You may get a completely different answer when applied to another of the signs. Also, too, step back then and do some more thinking. Did you clear and calm yourself first? Have you got some leftover emotions hanging out there? Are you willing the candle? Is your attention totally focused? Are you truly being honest with yourself? These and many other things must be considered when communicating with your candle. Use your jounal like a second skin and write it all down and try again. Possibly on a different day or at a different time. Notice the slight similarities and differences and apply them to the desire and the way in which you approached it this night. You would be amazed at what you can end up reading. Now make sure that you have a nonflammable surface upon which your candle is resting and in an area that children or your favorite pet can not investigate the pretty fire. Use your head and common sense in safety here. This way you can let it burn all the way down without any unfortunate mishaps. Also be careful with your clothing when using candles. A good idea is a small in home fire extinguisher near by in case of mishaps. Use your common sense and your journey into candle magick will be safe and full of wonder! ~Love, Light & Laughter
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