Ok, please help me with this one somebody. I'm not one to judge and I'm not going to because I'm not God. All I can do is just pray. But T.I.P bka T.I aka Clifford Harris was just arrested for gun posession. His bodyguard alledgedly(? I need spell check) as it was reported, was trying to buy guns AND SILENCERS from an undercover agent. T.I., himself could not buy them because he is a convicted felon. Why in the world did he need those things. He was establishing himself as an actor and a self made millionaire. He has so much prestige. He was on his way. God is allowing these blessings to fall upon him(unless something else is going on, im on the outside looking in). Why live that life still? Is he still trying to maintain his street creditability? I'm just wondering does anyone else feel like he should have given that lifestyle up or am I just naive to whats really going on. What are your thoughts.