51 Year Old
Invited by: johnbartonphoto·
Joined on December 17, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 26th
·2 referrals joined!
51 Year Old
Invited by: johnbartonphoto·
Joined on December 17, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 26th
·2 referrals joined!
Who am I? I'm not really sure anyone knows. I'm an Irish vagabond wandering through life and living vicariously through others. I just can't seem to get it right. That doesn't keep me from trying, though. I'm the most uncommon Irishman you're ever likely to meet. I don't really drink and I don't really fight, but I'm not afraid to do either. Buy me a drink or fuck with what I care about and you'll see what I mean. I like people, but I don't like people. If I have to explain it, you'll never understand. I don't like confrontation. I'm stronger and faster than I look. I may be smiling on the outside, but that doesn't mean I'm in a good mood. I can't seem to get the whole relationship thing right, but I can't stop trying. I always hoped a beautiful woman would see something in me, but I can never believe there's anything there for them to see. Failure feels like a kick in the stomach. Success is indescribable. My father is the greatest hero I could ever imagine. I miss you Dad. I'm equally comfortable talking about classical music or hot rods. I'm the son of a welder and a librarian. I'm cultured and crude. I was raised in poverty but I was taught that money isn't everything. I'm not perfect. I try my damndest to live up to every promise I make. Sometimes I can't and it hurts more than I can describe. I love children, but don't want any of my own. I'm an artist, but I don't consider myself creative. I work around Harleys but I'll probably never own one. I'm honest to a fault. I'm blunt, sarcastic and cynical. I have no tolerance for fake people. I don't have ulterior motives. If I say something to you, err on the side of caution and take me literally. Body language is lost on me. I'm as subtle as a brick to the forehead. If you want to know anything else, ask. Poet Friend Artist Dreamer...
- Wit & sarcasm: just two of the services I offer. - I will bust your balls at every opportunity. Prepare accordingly. - I'm surrounded by crazy people. - I think and talk like a computer quite often. - I can come off as cold but I'm typically quite the opposite. - I'm a fan of dark humor. For reference, read Life Is Hell by Matt Groening and check out George Carlin, Jim Norton and Lewis Black. - People watching is my favorite pastime. - I quite often live vicariously through others. - I'm balding by nature and bald by choice. - I can sound like a know-it-all, but I try not to. - I don't know when to shut up. - I am a special and unique snowflake. Just like every one of the other 6 billion special and unique snowflakes. - I believe the world is going to hell in a handbasket and I want to watch it in HD. - I am a toast addict. Seriously, I could sit down and eat an entire loaf in a sitting. - I am a horrible procrastinator. It's a struggle to initiate anything. - Once I get started, there is nothing on God's green Earth that will stop me from finishing the task at hand. - Music = life. - I firmly believe that Freddie Mercury was the greatest rock vocalist of all time. Period. - Steven Perry comes in a VERY close second. - One of my favorite artists of all time is Beethoven. - My bedroom is typically a disaster. It's not dirty, just unbelievably scattered. Think Katrina scattered. - I have severe ADD. At times, I can jump back and forth between 15 different thought processes in a single second. I rarely finish thoughts. - I'm amazing at dealing with technology. Give me anything technical and I'll probably be able to list off every statistic about it within a couple of hours. - I'm terrible at dealing with people. Put me in a room full of people I don't know and I'll find a spot to disappear. - I'm a creature of habit. When my routines get disrupted, my day is in a shambles. - I'm not superstitious but I believe in ghosts. I think there must be a scientific explanation for them. - I don't consider myself an artist. - I DO consider myself a professional photographer. - I'm not creative. I record what I see in front of me. That's not creative. - I'm an unbelievable technogeek. - I wouldn't know how to get a date if somebody gave me an instruction manual. - I honestly don't care. Seriously, you don't need to "poor Adam" me. I'm perfectly content to remain single for the rest of my life. - I'm terrible at money management. I probably could have owned a house by now, but I can't keep track of my money to save my life. - I like dressing well. I actually own two suits and several sport coats and pairs of slacks. I also have two pairs of dress shoes. - While I like dressing up, I'm blue collar at heart. - I've lived my entire life in New England. I don't know anything else. - Every time I've moved so far, it's been north. - I've never traveled farther south than NYC, nor farther west than Vermont except for one brief trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul. - My mother is the real reason I'm a photographer. She was a shutterbug when I was a kid. - I am a fiercely loyal Minolta shooter, and I was devastated when they announced they were selling their photography division. - I didn't get my license until I was 21. - I was an honors student without studying because I have a near-photographic memory. - I have an older brother, and also an older half-brother from my father's first marriage. - I'll eat just about anything. I was raised poor, and we couldn't afford to be finicky. - I share a birthday with Johnny Cash. - I suck at keeping in touch with people. - Besides laptops, I haven't bought a computer since 1994. I build them all. - My first computer was a brand-new Atari 800 bought in 1981. It had two 5-1/4" floppy drives and a dot-matrix printer. - I've really only been taking photographs since about 2004. - I rarely ever speed. - I'm addicted to House M.D. - I have no tolerance for aggressive ignorance. - My perfect home is a moderate house built on top of a 5-car garage. - I love learning new things, whether it's a new theory on quantum mechanics or how to polish hard plastic interior trim. - I love to teach, and I think I should do more of it. - I would give anything to own a hot tub and a fireplace. - I own 7 shot glasses but don't keep any liquor in the house. - I'm too passive for my own good. - I can sing baritone. I just never do. - I have incredible balance. It takes outrageous circumstances to make me fall down. - I have nearly inhumanly sharp senses. My vision is 20/10 and my ears can sense the pressure difference of a door being opened in a 30,000 sq. ft. factory. - I smoked for 14 years. - I quit on July 10th, 1997 at 2pm. - I can't stand the taste of Jagermeister cold, but it's pretty tasty warm. - I rarely have more than a couple of drinks in a night. - When I have more than a couple, it's WAY more than a couple. The results are never pretty. - I'm a loner by nature. - I don't believe there is "someone for everyone." I believe people make choices about who they spend their lives with. Believing in fate is chickening out on taking responsibility for ourselves. - I believe our country is going to hell in a handbasket because we DON'T take responsibility for ourselves. We all want to take the easy way out. - The first album I ever listened to (on vinyl, no less...) was 'Night Moves' by Bob Seger. - I believe the American movie and music industries have lost their ability to come up with anything original. Everything is either a sequel or a copy of the current trend. Original artists still exist, but no major label ever signs them. - I hate Photoshop. It destroys true creativity and self-esteem in equal measure. - In a pinch, I know how to rebuild an engine. - I know how to design correct motorcycle frame and suspension geometry. - I own a copy of AutoCAD. - If you come near my food, my car or my camera, you're taking your life into your own hands. - I haven't had TV at my house in nearly 5 years. - I've owned the same home stereo since I was 19 years old. (RIP my dear old friend.) - I spend way too much time on the internet. - I've only broken two bones in my lifetime. - I sailed up the coast of Europe for 2 weeks as part of the crew on a 150' three-masted schooner when I was a Freshman in high school. - My shortest stay at a job lasted 3 days and 2 hours. - I haven't had a living grandparent since I was 9. - I like Moxie. - When I was a 16, I played trumpet, guitar and saxophone. - I know what a Doppler curve is, and why it does what it does. - I don't know when to shut up. - I have a defective brain/mouth filter and can sometimes say things that I really shouldn't. - Intolerance makes me angry. - I dislocated my thumb when I was a teenager. I can still make it pop in and out of socket at will. - I seriously want to visit New Zealand. - I believe in doing something right the first time, so you don't have to go back and repair the damage. - I'm too serious for my own good. - I take everything literally. - I own too much stuff. (not anymore...) - Most of it is junk. - I have a closet full of clothes that I will most likely never wear but for some reason I never get around to throwing them out. (No worries there anymore...) - I am thrice a fool. - I dig Shakespeare. - I love Sherlock Holmes mysteries. - Strip clubs hold no interest for me. - I've worked at a motorcycle dealership for 3 years, but I STILL don't have a motorcycle license. - I sometimes lack the courage of my convictions. - My room may be a disaster, but I know exactly where everything is. - I have fangs. And yes, they're natural. - I am fiercely loyal to those I care about. - I have a degree in Network Engineering. - I'm a ridiculous science fiction geek. - I hate talking on the phone. - I own nearly every recording of Stevie Ray Vaughan. - Pitying looks make me grit my teeth and I have to hold myself back from swearing at the people that give them. - When I get nervous I laugh a lot and don't say much. - When I laugh my face turns bright red. The two are not connected.
51 Year Old
Invited by: johnbartonphoto·
Joined on December 17, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 26th
·2 referrals joined!
My music tastes are pretty eclectic. I'll listen to anything from Mozart to Megadeth, and just about anything in-between. I'm definitely a ridiculous fan of local original music, though. I dig nothing more than going to a small, local venue and rocking out to some good original music. There are an unbelievable number of talented musicians all around us, but all our society focuses on is the over-advertised corporate money machine acts. Many of these I refuse to even call musicians. Today's major-label music industry is proof positive that talent has nothing to do with selling records or making money. Market the biggest piece of crap correctly and it will make millions. It's a shame.
BTW if you didnt catch on HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!lol I hope its a good one....your the best friend I could ever ask for xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Hope your birthday wish comes true.
Hello Adam, how are you today? I'm good. I just came back to Fubar and I'm happy to be here and im looking to make some new friends. Will you be my friend? I just added some new pics( I hope you like them). I rated you already please come on bi and say hi and rate my profile and fan and add me as friend thanks. Much love your SexyPirate sexypirate13....
Hi pushed all your buttons I can. Could you help me out and rate my fu auction pic Please! Thank you!