(Sorry CC. Guess I'll make the first post in your blog)
Ok more then one of you are prolly wondering what happened to CC. Well without going into huge details that aren't mine to tell-- He is in ICCU fighting for his life as I type this up.He's in crital condection & well he was hurt badly. In fact a surgery is going to have to happen as soon as he can survive going though it.
All of in the household are worried beyond sick.
If you wish to know more,feel free to contact any of us. We are all here on CT.
Lady Mydnyte(myself),deamon lord,jessI with an I,
Lord bathum,nytewolf & Gypsy. Also Mistress of wolves can be contacted. She's soon to be living with us as well.
I will request here that if you know CC send all the positive vibes you can his way. He needs them.