Ok this has been blank long enough. A little about me! I am 44 and been around the block so many times that I know where every crack in the sidewalk is and hit them to prove they won't break your mommas back. I don't even come close to "normal" in almost any of my thinking processes and most people either find me totally out there and exciting or totally out there LOL.
Some of my likes in very random order.
Thunderstorms.. Powerful and stimulating.
Pretty women (often this means looking deeper than the skin. Beauty is never just found on the outside)
Computers and computer gaming.
Chasing tornados (Had I taken a half a second to look into myself in the past a storm chaser is what I would have been)
SEX.. Wild passionate.. And for heavens sake not the every day "normal" sex.. Kinky keeps it fresh.
Making love.. Yep folks there is a huge difference between the 2.
Stareing at the stars and contemplating what could have been and what can still happen.
My kids.. I have 5 daughters.. And every one of them is so special that I think the world owes them for just being here. (OK so I am a dad that wants his kids to have everything so sue me)
The smell of fresh mowed grass.
Watching people in life go walking by and seeing the differnces in appearence and in attitude.
Watching the sun set on the ocean.. And rise the next day..
Thats a little look into me on the things I like.. And of course I will be adding to these as they cross my mind...
Things that I hate...
Judgemental people.. (you are better that who?)
Alwasy choosing the slow line at the store.
Wow.. Not nearly as much to hate.. Because I try not to live in the negitives no matter what the world keeps throwing at me.. But of course I will find a few other things to add here over time also.
You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind.
OU HAVE BEEN FUCKED!Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot!RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F.U.C.KStands For:Friends U Can Keep.So promise mewe'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.K