Mommy Please Don't Worry
Current mood: loved
Mom you were there for me,
Through happy times and sad.
You helped me through the bumps and bruises,
And always made me feel so glad.
But I'm growing up now mom,
And have to find my own way.
I love you with all my heart,
And still think you have a right to say.
I know it's a creul world out there,
But I have to learn from my wrong.
And I hope you'll stand by my side,
I promise mommy it won't take long.
I understand where your coming from,
You don't want anything to happen to me.
It's not as bad as you think,
Just wait and you will see.
I know I put you through a lot mom,
And it is hard for me too.
But I'm not a little girl anymore,
They'll always be more for me to do.
Mommy I'm not out to get you,
Even though it seems that way.
I hate what I have done to you,
So now all I do is pray.
I feel I'm growing up to fast,
But mommy please don't worry.
Cause I have and always will love you,
There's no need for a jury.
I'd hate to see anything happen to you,
But I have to take my own path.
And mommy please don't worry,
Cause I'll ALWAYS be there to make you laugh.
Written to me by my daughter Holly.