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Stats for Mar 4

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41 Year Old · Male · From LaGrange, IN · Joined on February 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 9th
41 Year Old · Male · From LaGrange, IN · Joined on February 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 9th

ok so i just got back out of prison and it's been a long while since i was on here and this may take some getting used again. Sadly i can't be on here to much got school and stuff but to everyone who kept sending me drinks while i was locked up thank you very kindly, namely WONDER WOMAN and A CHAOTIC DREAM DD, straight up everyone who reads this should buy them a few drinks

41 Year Old · Male · From LaGrange, IN · Joined on February 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 9th
i like to hitch hike, go camping, hang out with my wife to be and get high. right now i'm going to school for criminal justice and i'm hoping that i don't screw it up, looking forward to hiking the appalachian trail for my honey moon then i'm going to try and get across the states and hit russia and a few other places but i might not depends on the misses
music is something that all people listen to and can be described in many ways for me i like to listen to music that makes my blood pump faster, puts me in an alternate state of mind, and accentuates my mood which is usually blah so i guess it really sets my mood to what i want it to................

i'm really kinda crazy
Video Games
i don't mind the new killer kick ass graphic games they have today but i'm a freaking sucker those old school reg nintendo games like wizards and warriors, dragon warrior, zelda, zelda2 the adventures of link,.... you see the new stuff is alright but how many of you can say that your kids know how to play the game systems we grew up on? i mean really think about it kids today are being rasied around all kinds of shit how many will get the oppertunity to say they know someone who remebers when tv was in black and white or when everyone had a land line phone (if they still member those). idk i just think the old stuff is amasing and i dare anyone to disagree.

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  • thebutterscotch... getting very pi**ed at my class i hate it when my book only gives me a nine word definition and then my CJ instuctor asks me to write a two page essay on it............ANGRY
    14 years ago · Comment

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